
How come Native Americans got casinos and stuff, but Africans didn't?

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How come Native Americans got casinos and stuff, but Africans didn't?




  1. Because retribution laws are random, inconsistent, racist, and impractical. And do you honestly think that the money that those Casinos generate go to the tribes?

    People need to stop caring about who got yanked out of whose crotch and move forward. And I think that if a black person feels that they where truly, personally, wronged by slavery they should feel more then welcome to go back to their country of origin. It's just like Marley song,

    "Old pirates, yes, they rob I;

    Sold I to the merchant ships,

    Minutes after they took I

    From the bottomless pit."

    But I honestly think that you'll always have someone screaming for retributions, no matter what the circumstances. In Guam, some Chamorros want retributions from the US military for building bases after when emancipated them from Japanese concentration camps.

    The fact of the matter is that the only people that should be given retributions are people who have been directly wronged. Like say, living Japanese nationalist who where thrown into prison camps during WWII... Which we did.

    But if none of this is sinking in, well I'll be glad to get my share as an Irish American.

  2. Now let me get in here and set you people stright First the Black man when he came here from the west coast of Africa The Motherland of all man kind ,now if you don't beleive me do your homework and you will find out thats the best way any way ,Now to the point ,The Black man was only consider as property and as little as 1/5 of a man and had no voice in anything,He has been broke down for many years ,White people like to joke and BS about sports & music but when you keep put your foot on his neck and won't let him get nowhere what else does he have to help him self up and  his family out of this living h**l that MIGHTY WHITEY has delivered too, But there are some Laws that state but sad to say they are not practice that President Abe Lincoln passed to help the Black man back in 1865 that if you do not choose to answer to your free name claim your Moorish roots being that he was just property a lot of the U.S Laws acording to the 14 & 15 amendments do not applly to him the Black man has more power than he even know the courts of the land really don't want him to know this and the one who do know they find a way to clear the court room so that this INFO will not be wide spread .Now the Native Americans  were not affaid to mix it up with MIGHTY WHITEY but don't let the Black man do that his *** would hung for all to see President Abe Lincoln had some Black babys to so he did this that some of his offspring would be okay down the road and thats why J.W.Booth busted a cap in his DOME,The white man will never let a Black man get to far if he can help it .Friends I could tell you more but they might try to bust a cap in me too I hope we will get it right soon PLEASE VOTE OBAMA  and BIG DADDY JOE B.,maybe you will see a casino or two that are Black owned one day

  3. you got pro sports and the tennis shoe  buisness

  4. The casinos and such are an attempt by the government at allowing the tribes to try and become self sufficient and make money, since we took all their land and moved them onto to reservations that are not suitable to their tribes lifestyles.

    Slaves had no property to begin with, so the same issues wouldn't apply to their descendants. That's a totally different issue.

  5. I feal your pain man but what the US did to Native Americans is way past slavery. This was their land and we pushed them to the parts that did not have much of any utility. Then we gave them hand outs and made them live in ways that gave them almost no chance to do well. Your race was set free but Native Americans are still held down and some of the stuff they still get are not a help (poor health care, unhealthy food, hand outs that make it less worth it to try). Africans should not want to be in Native American shoes.

  6. Crack cocaine offered a higher return rate for an initial investment.

  7. How come you only see Arabs and Indians (not Native American)

    running the convenience stores, gas stations, dough nut shops, ma and pa motels..and such shops in certain areas and not Africans?

    I don't see many Africans doing this ..but this is due to Demographics or other such stuff

    why the silly question when you know the answer?

    To be an entrepeneur you have to be tough and if you think it is easy

    running one of these a Casino?

    But with the Native American's the governement stepped in a long time

    ago and gave them the green light to open legal casino's

    But the people voted this in! Where was you? home sleeping when

    you should have been paying attention to the local elections

    Michigan has 20 Indians run Casinos..I don't I don't indulge

    but I do buy a lottery ticket every

    Tell me..?? what do you think?

  8. they would be drunk and poor in a week and need to close down

  9. Africans aren't OFFICIAL wards of the Government...just UN official drones through welfare and food stamps and rental assistance

  10. WTF........

    How come chinese have rice and Europeans didnt.

    CAuse Africans are poor and dont know how to gamble while on the other hand Native Americans do.

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