
How come Obama didn't tap Hilary to be VP?

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How come Obama didn't tap Hilary to be VP?




  1. After such a tough campaign against each other, it's quite normal.

  2. I am in the UK. I think Obama is his own man, and will choose who he wants not just because she is a Clinton. He is making the right decision to  move forward and break away from any past. Hillary comes with her own baggage - Bill. Sorry he publicly humiliated her, and she stayed for what? Money and Power.

    I really hope for the USA and the world that Obama gets in, and turns

    into a good president.

  3. Most Obama supporters didn't want him to team up with Hillary. Personally I think it would have been a lot of tension around the white house, kind of like when parents stick together for the kids.

  4. His ego. He doesn't want anything to interfere with the worship he receives. Hillary is a solid person of real accomplishment. Obama is a fantasy. He couldn't handle being in her light.  

  5. He doesn`t want to win

  6. Clinton comes with a lot of baggage.

  7. Hillery wants to run in2012

  8. Clinton baggage.

  9.   He didn't trust her.

  10. Having been a Hillary follower before some people here even knew who she was, it is obvious there is only really one reason.  If she had wanted to be VP, she would have been, plain and simple.  I think that is what that first secret meeting between the two of them was about.  She is a dem through and through, BUT she did not agree with the big Obama issues like Wright, etc. and wanted no part of being VP.  I have no doubt she told Obama that day.  People that have not followed her for most of her career still don't get it- she CARES about people and knows she can do more good for them in another capacity that obscure VP.  I am certain she told Obama what she wanted that day and if, heaven forbid, he is President, we will find she get the position they agreed upon that first meeting.  I think some dislike her so much they underestimate her in every way- especially intelligence.  Since not President, I am confident she will be exactly in the position she wants, at least until 2012 when every one except those 18M people realize Obama was a mistake.

  11. With Hillary as VP Obama would have walked around all day with his hands in his pockets looking dull

    Obama couldn't carry her luggage.  It would have been a farce from beginning to end.

    Even at the DNC she was brilliant.  FCOL even Bill outshone him.

    A tip for Obama, take your wife to the side and have a little talk with her.  She needs to learn how to put a smile on her face at all times.  Some of the looks she gave Hillary were shocking.  If she can't control herself any better than she did at the DNC-she'll start a world war with those facial expressions

    If I vote at all it will only be to keep McCain out of office

  12. Tapping Hillary would make me vomit profusely

  13. My guess is that if she shows loyalty now and can carry her supporters with Obama, she can then ask for Speaker of the House of Representatives or Secretary of State as a reward - both more influential posts than VP.  Or name any office she likes the look of - responsibility for implementing her health care policy might be a good one...

    The main reason she could not be VP is that she and Bill would invariably upstage Obama.  He needs a fixer and a doer (like Biden), rather than an orator as VP since he can do the speeches well enough himself.

  14. because he's showing his inexperience. He lost my vote by not tapping Clinton. Yeah she has some baggage, but she had more actual votes then Obama. She would have won us the White House, but now we'll lose it again.

  15. He didn't want his campaign/possible Presidency overshadowed by her.

  16. But he expects her to help though with palin. So he knows she is a true democrat and will help all she can. Guess he had his own reasons but we must move on.

  17. She is not the change we need at this time, she can sit on the sidelines and learn a thing or two about being Presidential from Obama.

    Obama 08

  18. Shows he is his own man.

  19. In fact, Obama didn't believe Hilary, because she once said," shy on you."without regret.

    Obama very care this word.

    this is why Obama didn't tap Hilary to be his running mate.

  20. obamas a sexist thats why he didn't pick the woman who graciously gave him the presidential nomination even after she deserved it and earned it more. and if not hillary then why not another woman instead he picks a 35 year politician whose been a washington insider for ever

  21. His worst mistake ever.

    he would assured himself the white house if he picked her.

    Now, forget it.

    it was that huge of a decision.  

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