
How come Russia can get away with..?

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All the civilians its killed (1000+) while the US is condemned immidately as soon as its killed just a few civilians? Now Russia is ignoring its peace deals and once again getting away with it. How bout we drop a nuke on russia and forget about them once and for all after all the problems they have caused in the last 100 years. >:|




  1. Think about it. We drop one on them and they drop ten on us ? If we go to war, it will be a conventional war.

  2. Firstly is you're so up for war why aren't you in the Army? Actually I'm glad you're not in the Army, I wouldn't want to serve with someone with such an idiotic disregard for Human Life. Secondly I'm so glad you're not in a position where you could use Nuclear weapon's. I guess you don't know about Nuke's huh? How you wouldn't be able to go there for thousand's of year's, or how we would destroy one of our main source's of Gas or how we would kill million's of innocent's.

  3. They are being as soundly condemned as we are.  

  4. how about you keep that type of comments to yourself if you don't want an FBI agent to knock on your door?

  5. yaya.. geogia shuld put a nuke on Osetia so that russian cannot claim any single land from it.

  6. Do you think, moron, that, if to destroy Russia (with a help of a nuclear weapon or other method), then in the world will be no problems?  Open eyes and clean out your  brains. While existence USSR and socialistic alliance there were less problems in the world, than now - in 100 times. Weakening a competitor and releasing countries,formerly controlled USSR, Western World liberated such evil spirit, which very probably will turn you into ashes. Before there was bad, but order in the world, conquered a price 50 million victims of 2nd world war. Now is chaos, which, if Russia again will not get strong and not take reins in hands, can really ruin the whole world.  

  7. How come Russia was able to get away with it?. Very simple my friend. Georgia thought that if it goes to war against Russia, the US would come and fight alongside with the Georgians. Unfortunately, no American ever came to help them, and so Russia virtually mauled the Georgian forces.

    And why nobody condemned Russia for the civilian deaths?. Its because the Georgian forces killed far more number of civilians, not to mention that it was Georgia who started the whole mess.

  8. Russia didn't kill civilians. Do not listen Saakashvilis. He is seek.

    It was his order to kill ~1600 peace citizens in Tshenvali.

    About dropping the nuclear bomb on Russia... do you remember, that we have nuclear weapons too. So not only US forget about Russia, but all the world will forget about US, Russia and may be the world civilization.

  9. Your question is not correct.

    You must list all problems which Russia brought.

    Near you must place list of USA cases.

    Then we will answer.

  10. Well America got away with bombing Iraq despite UN warning and interventions.  So why can't Russia do the same thing; that's what bullies do when they get bored and their popularity is down the drain.

    Remember the say: Life is not fair but that's only for the poor and those who cannot fight for themselves.

    (maybe Goergia has something like oil or some kind of resources that Russia wants....Shame on Russia I say!

  11. Because they actually do have WMDs

  12. because no one is going to stand up to one of the worlds top militaries

  13. And America has caused no problems?

    Which military response do you think was over the top -

    USA "liberating" Kuwait in 1991


    Russia repatriating South Ossietia this week?

  14. Well...I think you've got it all confused.

    You should me more or less asking how both of these nations were able to invade countries without an ok from the UN

  15. then china could go ahead and do the same to usa,and what a mess it would be,anyway if america nuked russia it would also be nuking itself as it would be ww3

  16. Because no one wants World War 3. And that's just the same as saying 'How can the US get away with killing so many civilians with no one to try and stop them in the middle east?' Just because the US does it doesn't make it any better. And 1 nuke wouldn't stop Russia, you're aware they have nukes too right? Jesus. People like you really need to be a little less ignorant. How would dropping a nuke make anything any better anyway? Killing thousands of civilians would be worse than what Russia have done. /sigh

  17. Mutually Assured Destruction hasn't gone away

  18. The US has killed the same amount of civilians. They just don't broadcast that in the news. Russia would retaliate and then US would fire back again and if more than 30 megatons of nuclear bombs are fired at once it is believed that enough debris would be thrown up into that atmosphere that sunlight would have difficulty reaching the Earths surface. Killing plantlife, eventually killing us as human beings. Cockroaches would survive though.

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