
How come SO many ppl (especially kids and teens) think that dresses R 4 special occasions only?

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Beacause I wear dresses EVERY WHERE and in this one Q that said that (i'm in middle school aged) "Oh, U shouldn't wear dresses, except 4 special occasions" and stuff like that. Why are dresses sooooo taboo? I love them, and don't really have much other choice, but like ppl will say "why do you dress so fancy? Ur weird." And I'm like "Um... I don't dress fancy, I wear dresses, witch can be casual"




  1. OK.

    A lot of girls at my school wear dresses.

    I like them. They aren't like fancy brides maid's dresses.

    I think they look cute.

    It's close to summer too.  

    I live in California and almost every girl wears one.

    I see nothing wrong with them :)

    I'm not sure where everyone else has been but I see them everyday.

  2. Ha, I know you messaged me and all about this question, but I saw your question and decided to just reply/answer it here.

    I didn't say you CAN'T wear dresses. I just meant that usually teens/kids wear dresses on special occasions/events. Sure, you could wear a couple dresses throughtout the year to be fancy, but most kids these days [I'm a teen ha] wear jeans and a nice shirt. A dresss would be to formal for something like school. And when I mentioned Vans/Converse I was just giving you ideas on what kids ususally wear.

    And that sucks how jeans, shorts and pants upset your skin. Have you seen a doctor about that?

  3. Speaking from a teenage point of view...

    I don't typically wear dresses to be casual because I would prefer to wear sweats. but that is my style.

    Some of my friends however who typically dress nicely day to day occasionally wear dresses.

    I don't think there is a problem with it.

    However, I think if you were to wear a formal dress one day that may be weird.

    But I totally agree that dresses are comfortable and by all means wear them.

    I think a cute sundress or casual dress is adorable. =)

  4. People like me, think dresses are icky and will do anything in their power to get out of wearing one.


    I prefer a pair of jeans any day. I am just not very feminine. I like dresses on others, just not on me. My legs are always bruised!

    I suppose that is what you get from living on a farm. Not very practical for jumping fence's or riding horse.

  5. i dont! i luv wearing them EVERYWEAR!

    im 12

  6. No Teenager wears a Dress to school...

  7. Well, being a teenager, I think I have a good answer.

    Most kids grow up with the knowledge that when Men dress formally, they where a suit and tie, when ladies dress formally, they wear a dress.

    It also has to do with the time period. The "in" thing for females is NOT a dress. =P  Girls today where the low cut shirts with jeans, or jean skirt. So for kids, dresses are somewhat foreign.

    To sum it up, teens and kids find dresses to be for special occasions because of todays style.

    Think of it this way:

    In the late 80's and early 90's, Overalls were cool. Especially if you unstrapped on of the straps.

    Today, most people think of "hill-billies" when they think of overalls. lol

    Hope I could help!

  8. because I live in North Dakota and it's drafty when I wear a dress, my high heels got stuck i the snow just last week.

  9. when i was little, dresses were my favorite but then i started to notice people wearing them less and less. i think it just might have to do with the times changing and the fashions changing. i dont wear dresses anymore except for special occassions or if i want to get dressed up for my hubby. but one reason why i dont wear dresses now is because i dont care for the selection. with the times changing and young people not wearing them as much, most of the dresses out there are for the older women and are all flowery and stuff.

  10. because people look so eligant wearing them and how many women do you see turning up to the oscars or brit awards in jeans?

  11. There's nothing wrong with wearing dresses if you're comfortable in them and they don't cramp your style.  I know my girls prefer pants because they spend a fair amount of time climbing trees, riding bikes, and doing cartwheels, and dresses aren't the most convenient clothing for doing those activities.  So for my girls, they do tend to be for special occasions only.  But you should wear what suits you and your own personal style.  There's certainly nothing wrong with being somewhat more dressed up than most of your peers.  It's great to find your own personal style and not to succumb to peer pressure about it.  Good for you for knowing yourself!

  12. In grade school, I wore a dress every day.  In middle school and high school, I had a uniform.  In college, I wore skirts/dresses often, and also khakis and sometimes jeans.  That is how I dress now too.  Seems like people wear more and more casual things - I don't know why!  We look nice in dresses, skirts, slacks, etc....

    There are of course different kinds of dresses - sundresses, casual dresses, professional styled dresses, and then formal.  

    On a lighter note....check out this website for some hilarious dresses.  Maybe that is what people are thinking of when they think of dresses  ;)

  13. Kids may think its for a special occasion but as you get into you later teen years you get all into the fashion and realize its nice to dress up once and a while. I know plenty of kids who wear dresses to school at least 2 or 3 times a week. But also you have to take into consideration that not every teen girl has the same style. Some are glam, preppy, sporty, laid back, just depends on someones style.

  14. I love sundresses.

    I ought to buy more and wear them out.

    But I do feel a little awkward when I wear them too. I feel overdressed. Last time I wore one was at the beach so I think it was OK.

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