
How come TONS of people don't understand eczema?

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Some think it's not a big deal, some get frustrated at people with eczema, people that don't have it tell you not to itch and expect you to follow through (it's mentally impossible depending on how bad your rash is to NOT itch.) And, how come some people REFUSE to believe that it's not .contaigous, or isn't caused by them being dirty. Some people BLAME people with eczema because they think it's their fault for not being "clean", they just don't understand it's not something you can control. And how come schools don't except it? Huh? Yo can go into the HOSPITAL with a skin infection from eczema really easily, but teachers won't let you call home for a fliar up. I mean, It's ridiculous!

How come the general public isn't well informed on this subject? I mean, it's very common! They should explain it (and a number of other conditions) in kindergarten! There are tons of well informed people out there who understand it, but still a lot of regular people just don't know enough about it. Most people know what eczema is, but don't fully understand the extent of it.




  1. It's called health class and that's been axed in most schools since I graduated.  I clearly remember a couple of classes where they went over some of the most common problems around (including eczema), what they know about it.  

    I only got eczema for the first time about 9 years ago.  I carry steroid creme with me everywhere because you never know when the itching will suddenly, without warning, become intolerable (especially bad for me in the summer). And yes, I've been to the ER twice because of it.  

    I think the problem you are having is with your teachers being control freaks.  Your parent should talk to them about how to handle future flair ups.

  2. isn't that condition caused by and eccess growth of skin in certain areas?  or am i thinking of the other skin condition that i can't spell?

    who knows why the CDC or Health Dept hasn't been better at educating the public that it's not contagious or the person's fault.  that's like saying it's your fault you were born with whatever facial features you have, or skin color.  unless you pay tons of money on your features, they're staing the way they are.  and i don't know why anyone would want to change their skin color.  i think they're all beautiful.  but i digress.

    maybe there should be a petition for better education on the subject.  maybe, too, they can also look for a cure (cuz, personally, i wouldn't want the itch) while they're educating...  or maybe they'll continue to look for a drug that works better than Viagra.  you know, because older men getting it up again is more important (because it makes the $$$).

  3. i got eczema and satyriasis's iv`e never heard that stuff.

  4. That is an excellent question. My understanding of it was, when I was growing up, that people just don't know what it really is. I think they should get informed on it and I think there should be way more education. I see the commercials for psoriasis, all the time and I'm a little bit jealous, mostly because when I get an flair-up it happens on some of my more exposed parts (mostly on my legs and arms) and it looks pretty odd.

    But, in either case, I think there should be a campaign like the psoriasis one, so people understand that it's a very painful disease for all kinds of reasons.


    I'm not jealous of the disease. My dad and aunt have psoriasis. I'm jealous of the national attention it gets. I can only imagine the pain, after seeing my dad and aunt go through all the painful things they went through.

  5. One of my kids has pretty bad eczema (when she was an infant, she'd just bleed everywhere from scratching so much.  It was horrible).  People don't know what nobody tells them.  Most people don't have it; of those who do have it, most have a pretty mild case of it.  You don't need to get upset with them; just let them know what you or your child needs.  

    As for calling home with a flare-up, couldn't you leave your steroid cream or whatever you use with the school nurse?

    (I'd just add that there are hundreds of medical conditions that kids can have; people are usually very well informed about those that affect themselves or their loved ones and not so much on the other ones.  My kids have life-threatening allergies and I can tell you people are a lot more clueless about those than about eczema.  I don't blame them ... I was clueless, too, before it affected my family.  I don't see it as their job to educate themselves, but my job to educate those who are taking care of my kid.)

  6. Most people don't understand conditions with which they have no experience.





    The list goes on and on.

  7. Kindergarten isn't about learning about diseases and health school is.

  8. You are right. Most people don't understand it because they're ignorant of it. I didn't even know what it was until my ex-Sister-in-law told me she had eczema. They just see a rash and think its contagious. Now that you see all the commercials for medication on TV you'd think more people would realize its not something unclean. Its genetic and there isn't a cure, only temporary relief.


    Fleur - Don't be jealous of people with psoriasis. I have it. Mine does happen to be located on my scalp but not everyone else's is. A lot of people's spread down their neck, onto their faces, on their elbows/knees. It bleeds, it burns, it flakes. It looks like I have dandruff if I scratch. I can't wear black. I have to use steroid foam and shampoo (that dries my hair out) for some relief but it doesn't go away completely. The other medicine (you have to give yourself shots) kills your immune system so if you get a cold it could turn into something you need hospitalization for... so Don't envy us! sympathize that we have to go through similar things!!

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