
How come UEFA will go back and change things like who is awarded a goal but............. ?

by  |  earlier

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obvious handballs, missed penalties, inappropriate red cards etc things that drastically effect the outcome of the game are never reviewed ?




  1. basically these are of no importance except when its a final.and the opponent is awarded a penalty.

    but if u review such matters again and again,

    u may finish up the match in about 150-180 mins .

    so these things are not given much imp.

  2. Because that would make it hard for refs to make a little extra money here and there.

  3. you should write them a letter

  4. I believe their thinking is they can change the little details of a game, such as imposing bans on video evidence and as you just mentioned, awarding a goal to the rightful player, etc, but they believe the bigger decisions should stay down to human decisions/errors on he part of the ref.

    Im not saying it is logical. Im just saying it's how Blatter & co. think

  5. ah because they world does not revolve because of perfection and justice

    Uefa isn't perfect it was made obvious when Lampard was made best midfielder don't ya think

    this is very interesting but think about this there are no more screens in the dug out to review decisions by managers while the game is happening so that should indicate that stuff like that will not be reviewed

  6. 4th official awards the goal after video review, IF it is questionable who scored it.

    Calls are made by the on-field refs by what he sees immediately or with a slight delay due to playing-on or after he looks at the linesmen.

  7. The replay thing has been looked at and clubs dont want it. Takes the human element out of game they say. It works 90% of the time here in states in NFL

    soccer( yes we call it that) should try it, at least just for goal things ( like if ball crossed line and such)

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