
How come Yahoo Answers encourages participation on one hand and limits the amount of answers on the other?

by  |  earlier

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Seems kind of stupid to me!




  1. Its a marketing thing, that's all...probably gives you some incentive to get in the habit of writing fewer thoughtfull responses then glib one liners at first, then as you show you cna do that, the "handcuffs" are removed and more features are available to you.

  2. because it is full of communism. seriously you can only answer if you stay in a friendly state of mind. you better not speak out a real thought here.

  3. The more you participate...the more answers you get.  What part of the incentive do you not understand?

  4. I think the limits are there to stop the dumb people who just want to spam. If you put a limit then people will get bored and not come on and spam as much.

  5. I haven't thought about it in a while, but I suppose the limits on lower levels helps people who are more reputable (have a large number of best answers, and thus many points) answer more questions relative to less experienced people.  Also, it makes you feel like you've earned something, instead of just popping out BS answers to get to the next level overnight.  Good night!

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