
How come a s**+.t hole up and coming 3rd world country like Britain is classed as a G8 nation lets face it..?

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.... new labour has well and truly ****** Britain up as a top 40 contender never mind a top 8 country.




  1. You really do need to read a few more books.

  2. totally agree UK is a small island with basically no influence at all

  3. So someone on this forum thinks our streets are safe; now that is someone who really is out of touch.

    So this government isn't locking people up because they don't like their politics; you tell that to those with strong Christian beliefs, they are not even allowed to quote the Bible against Homosexuality with out a visit from the Dictators secret police.

    Then someone says where is it better?: for who? is the answer, for someone coming from one of those ten worse countries of course its better because the Native Britain pays to make it better. But where is it better for the Native? The Native has to put up with the c**p that these immigrants from these ten worse countries bring with them high crime, housing shortages, benefit fraud and so on.

    Oh! ''your free to leave if you don't like it'', does this person mean like a rat leaving a sinking ship?, I wouldn't mind but the same person who made this comment tells us in a previous question how hard her dad or grandfather fought for this country and how hard he had it.

    Your right the country is a **** hole but the answer is not to leave, not to accept that we continue with the situation because we live in a Dictatorship, the answer is to stand up and fight back, and that can only be done by creating change and none of the mainstream political parties are capable of achieving this.

    ATB Red

    Edit Sceptic;

    Tut, tut, Scep, are you saying that none of the inhabitants of those ten worse countries don't really want to come here. You know what? I don't believe you.                                                

    Are you saying I am making it up about immigrant crime.

    Are you saying that you are not aware that this countries total infrastructure i.e social services , benifits , the police are under enormous pressure because of this goverments stupidity in increasing immigration quotas from an already high 50000 to 250000 a year. If you say your not, I'm afraid you are telling 'Fibs' . To be honest Scep I have never actually read any answer of yours that gives your opinion what we do about immigration other than ''your racist for mentioning it''.

    I do appologise Scep, yes, you do give a soulution don't you. Carry on voting for the Dictator even though his goverment along with all the other mainstream political parties are nothing more than legal gangsters up to their neck in fraud.

    I'll tell you what Scep, you won't mind if I don't take your advice will you.

    I owe Lady moon an appology, on what grounds Scep? for reminding her that her father was made of diffferent stuff and would have stood up to New Labour and be counted. Past Moon questions have definately expressed the same view as the BNP and my self yet, she sits on the fence. Iin her answer she tells a concerned questioner to leave the country because he thinks this country is a **** hole(by the way an opinion not written in stone more as an expression of frustration). Lady Moon needs to make up her mind if she actually wants change or be advised by you (if thats the case god help her).

    Edit Lady Moon nothing personal

    ATB Red

  4. Its not a shithole!

    There are things which need improving but a shithole it is definitely not!

    If you don't like it here you're free to leave.

  5. Neither Britain nor the UK are one single country.

  6. For one thing, that we're a 'small island' is a myth. we're around half the size of France. We're a massive financial centre (finance is our main exported service) and we have one of the largest GDP in the world.

    Influence? Almost all commonwealth countries (large areas of Africa, Australia and Canada) follow our lead and look to us for support and leadership. We have the TRIDENT nuclear deterrent and a powerful military force, focusing on well trained tactical fighters (SAS) and arial defense rather than infantry (like the US).

    New labour hasn't made us less powerful or screwed us up seriously. All parties do that if they're in power too long. After the general elections we'll recover under a newer, efficient system, and then the tories will s***w us up later.

  7. London is one of major economic centres of the world on a par with new york. Britain also has a nuclear deterrent.

  8. Obviously a foreign loser.

  9. How dare you call my home a shithole!

    Sure, things aren't perfect here, but where are they perfect? The standard of living here is higher than most, compared to many nations our streets are safe, and whether or not you like this government they aren't locking citizens up because they don't like their politics.

    If people are willing to work hard in the UK they have every chance to be successful, and you can't say that about many countries.

    So where is better? Because for every country you can name where life is better than UK, I can name ten where it's worse.

    If you are a UK resident, what makes me think that you're someone who wants the state to give you everything on a plate?


    Ah, Redmonk is along, displaying the paranoia of the far right. Isn’t it funny how those on the right are always the first to sing the virtues of patriotism and nationalism, yet are the very ones who are the first to run this country down? Don’t get me wrong – this country isn’t perfect, and a lot that is wrong can be lain fairly at the feet of the Labour government. They’ve had 11 years to achieve Utopia and we don’t seem any closer than we were after 18 years of Tory misrule. But before I provoke the standard response, it’s a lot closer than the assorted crooks, thugs and racists of the BNP would deliver.

    Yes – our streets are, for the most part safe. There are areas I wouldn’t want to go after dark, but to be honest, when I do, I remain unmolested. Such areas existed 30 years ago, when I was a teenager. Redmonk – forget the Daily Mail – how often do you get mugged, attacked, robbed, because you’re trying to make it sound like it’s a daily occurrence.

    ‘those with strong Christian beliefs, they are not even allowed to quote the Bible against Homosexuality with out a visit from the Dictators secret police’ - utter drivel, even by your standards. Any evidence for that ? Of course not.

    Immigration has brought some problems, I won’t argue, but to lay the blame for all our ills on the immigrant is scapegoatism of the worst kind. So there was no crime, homelessness or benefit fraud before the recent wave of immigration ? It was something that the ‘Native Briton’ had to learn from these dodgy foreigners ? Get real.

    And your assumption that those who fought bravely in WW2 did so to follow a narrow race-led agenda is insulting in the extreme, and I think you owe Lady Moonlight an apology

    I would have hoped that you would have leapt at the opportunity to defend your nation, as a ‘Native Briton’, but sadly that’s not part of the agenda, is it ? Nor is it for the politicians who claim to be patriots and nationalist only so far as it extends to hating things foreign – those very politicians you seem to think we should entrust our nation to. The politicians we have are bad enough without giving in to the hate mob.

    So I’ll say it loud and proud. I love this country, warts and all. It’s not perfect, there’s lots that could be better, but it isn’t a shithole, and I find it insulting when people suggest it is, especially (not aimed at you, Red) those who might do better to look at their own inadequacies, not their nation’s.

    Phew. Rant over.

  10. That's because your looking at the table the wrong way.

    The G stands for gullible. we''lll accept any old s**t as long as we are flattered into thinking we are important.

  11. If you mean our competitiveness has gone right out the window then yes we are not in good shape.

  12. It has nothing to do with the social state of the country, but the economic power of that country, and the UK is one of the most richest and most powerful economies, and London is one of the most powerful economic centres in the world. Just go down to London and look at all the national and international companies that choose to base there - you don't get that in any old city.

  13. We are G8 for a number of reasons-

    We are still one of the worlds wealthiest nations.

    We have an excellent human rights record.

    We had (whether we embrace it or not) one of the worlds largest empires.

    We have a nuclear deterrent.

    We have nuclear weapons.

    We have London- the bes city in the world and the pulsating centre of the worlds economy.

    And, do you even know what a third world country is like.

    There are major food and power shortages.  People are starving on the streets.

    In a third world country, human rights are infringed on an hourly basis, in the most barbaric of ways.

  14. Any country that fleeces so much tax, in so many different ways out of it's hard working public must be good for something!

  15. You question demonstrates a lack of knowledge and a severe political bias. Perhaps you should do more research on your own before coming here to spout off with silly rhetorical questions designed to irritate people.

  16. Because we encourage people to come here use us as a toilet and then take the seat home.

    Your question would be better served if you did not resort to foul language, it degrades you!

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