
How come a single psychic has never won the lottery?

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How come a single psychic has never won the lottery?




  1. Hello Nick

    & your proof of this comes from where?


  2. Because there are no such things as Psychics or predicting your fortune/future and so therefore psychics have the same 1 in a million billion chance of winning the lottery.  Ever notice how psychics can never get anything specific down on their predictions?... Notice how they are all vague and broad?... its because they are using a method known as cold reading to phish information out of you (No id didn't spell it incorrectly it is spelled with a "ph")  It is a sham and anyone wasting money on them deserves to be scammed for being so stupid.

  3. How do you know one hasn't?

    Some people who have won the lottery say that they had a dream that they were going to win so they went out and played. Some people said that they had a really strong feeling that they were going to win, so they played....

    On a different note,

    There was the Wiccan shop owner who told the God and Goddess he would continue teaching Wicca only if he could win the lottery to support it...and he won.

    Yup, it was in the news.

    I guess you might want to edit or rephrase your question.   ;)

  4. As a psychic we can not predict our future we can not see into our future and we can not use our gift for gain of wealth we help others because that is our gift sometimes I wish I did not have this gift but it is who I am and who I was meant to be. I do not charge money for any readings because I feel it was a gift given to me and I should share it with  others freely that come to me for help..  

  5. Cuz the married ones win it first.....

  6. Coolnick you are talking thru a gas bubble..... So pull your head out of your-butt......  For you have no idea as to the truth of your last statement.................................. you ar trying to project yourself as something you are not.....For there are always a psychic that is willing to break the rules for money...........................

  7. Maybe they have to take an oath or something saying they will not use their gift for personal gain  ? ? ? ?

  8. Because they are fake. Real psychics don't work that way. They can't predict in such exact terms usually. Not to mention it's a really bad idea to use their abilities so selfishly.

  9. Why don't alot of people who own guns walk around with them all day and show everyone just how 'dangerous' they are? Because guns attract as much danger as they repel.

    A good psychic knows that attention brings as much negativity with it as positivity. Also, if you are psychic, you probably also have a good idea what the consequences of drawing alot of attention to yourself can do, like winning the lottery. Is it possible a psychic might 'know' that making themselves known would draw an awful lot of unwanted attention (how many people would do anything to know a legitimate way to win the lottery?) There is as much discretion to being a psychic as there is knowing.

    Those who know, do not speak. Those who speak, do not know.

  10. Because psychics can't tell their own fortunes. They read themselves or their cards to be what they want them to be and not what they really are. Same reason Doctors don't treat themselves. They see only what they want to see and not what is really there.

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