
How come african americans can use the n-word and its not offensive?

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before u read this i am not racist. i hear it all the time in raps, comedy acts, in my town, and at school. black people calling each othe the n-word. but if a white person says it, its so offensive. if u dont like being called it by white ppl, then dont call yourselvs it. also, black ppl can call white people cracker or white boy and thats not a problem but if u call a black person the n-word your a racist. someone fill me in (preferably an african american)!




  1. You must be really, really white. Because  a black person isn't going to feel put down or inferior to another black person. If a white person says it, they're going to feel singled out and offended.

  2. just to be safe, don't use it...i really don't know why though...but in my school, we don't use those words...if we're friends then we use chocolate or white chocolate.

  3. It's just not meant offensive when black people say that, because they're black themselves.

    And everyone knows what black people have been through in the past, so most white people just accept it.

    Have you noticed that when a woman calls men jerks, it's found less offensive (or not offensive at all) than when a man calls women stupid or weak?

  4. Because they choose to live in the past and be upset by a dumb word.

    I don't get all pissed off and pout when someone calls me a sp*c.

    It's 2008, if someone wants to be racist, let them be ignorant. I choose not to get upset.

  5. I'm not black, so I don't really know... But who the h**l would want to call someone that anyway?  Most black people that call each other that are uneducated themselves.  And also, I think black people think it's hilarious (as do I) when white or other unblack people are nervous and really politically correct.  Just an opinion though.

  6. Im black and I dont think any1 should use the word. So to you two below me, please get specific about the ingnorant people and the ******* you are reffering to The N-word has been said to only be accepted in black English. "...Accepted in black English." Think about that statement. If the N- word is simply a racist insult for "black", then isn't their definition rather circular? Other than intent, isn't it exactly the same as saying that this word is "... acceptable only in ****** English." Some  blacks feel that they have the right to verbalize because of the 400 year etymological history of the word.

         In society whites are expected not to use the word in front of or around blacks but when majority of black entertainers use the word, how can they make that demand? Black musicians and actors say the N word and white people buy their music and watch those movies. So what is the out come? People are becoming too comfortable with using this word because we allowed ourselves to do so.  If you want results, there has to be change. Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, so that it’ll seem as if the N- word never exist but we can start today creating a new ending.  

  7. I'm black and only ignorant/uneducated people in general black or white use that word i never use it neither does my family or the blacks that i know and not ALL blacks are stuck in the past

  8. umm. im not a black person but i think its just a way of them saying a hi to each other without the white people interfering. and if the white person says it to a black person they will get bashed up totally. even if a white person says it to a white person they will still get bashed up.

    hav fun n dont use that word coz u really dont want to get bashed up by them k. bye....

  9. b/c they like to do one thing and criticize whites for doing the same thing.  

  10. because they're little pu$$ies who choose to live in the past and talk about how the white man "screwed them over". please, they screwed us over worse. have you seen upn or bet? i rest my case

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