
How come after exxon announced their katrillion dollar profits,gas started to go down.?

by  |  earlier

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is it political,are all of the deals bush made over,is it not a slap in our faces?




  1. They have announced huge record profits over the last several quarters and that didn't influence prices.  Supply, demand, and speculation have changed is what has occurred.  It had nothing to do with any deals that Bush had with oil.  For starters, you might want to go back and see where prices were the day before he changed the executive order banning new off-shore drilling and where they were by the very next week.

  2. Maybe Bush has an ounce of sympathy for us hard-working americans but of course I think I'm being a bit to nice today.

  3. Haven't you noticed gas prices start going down in the months preceding elections? Two years ago it went down to $2 a gallon. Didn't work for the Republicans last time. Sure hope it doesn't work this time either.

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