
How come all of a sudden Obama supporters are concerned about experience?

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And how come all of a sudden Mc Cain supporters are not?




  1. In the end I"m voting for a President and McCain has infinitely more experience.

    But even Palin has more accomplishments than Obama, which is pretty sad considering Obama is running for President.

    Palin is the icing on the cake.

  2. lol! Exactly.

  3. Because people have made it a big issue since Obama announced he was going to run for President.

    I could care less "who has the most experience". I'm voting for who I want based on their ideas for changing the United States and improving its economic status and global standing. "Experience" doesn't matter that much when most of the "experienced" people have horrible ideas anyways.

  4. I feel the same way.

    Personally I don't care about "experience" because that's never a good indicator of a president, but it bothers me to no end how everyone has flip flopped.

    Politics suck.

  5. Sarah Palin is not the one running for the top office.That person is Obama and he has less experience than Palin, She has Executive experience as a Governor. Please list Obama 's accomplishments.

    The Democratic party has the ticket backwards, Biden is the one with the experience not Obama

  6. I am voting for mcain, becase I think he would make a better presisdent  The exprenice does not matter.

  7. Really, even Obama is bring up experience. Fact is Palin has him beat and she's just going for VP.

    The 2012 race has the potential to be interesting if McCain wins this one.  

  8. On 11/4 - people will go in the booth and say, "Obama or McCain?"  Considering who has more experience and who's more risky, I think McCain will win hands down.  Obama had to choose Biden to gain experience on his ticket.  McCain had the freedom, based on his own extensive experience, to choose the best running mate for his ticket regardless of her experience.

    By the way, GOP's vp has more experience than the DNC's presidential pick!

  9. But Governor Palin has experience.

    As Governor of Alaska, she has had to deal with Canada and Russia over issues such as fishing rights, oil exploration, trade, and transportation.

    What negotiations has Senator Obama done with those countries?

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