
How come americans don't ban guns?

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i really don't understand this. it would prevent so many deaths and criminal activity every year.

im from australia so i guess i probably don't understand the american laws very well.

once someone told me the reason but i can't remember the answer.

does anyone know?




  1. It is our belief that so long as the governemtn is NOT alolowed to take our guns we can, on our own, guarantee that the govt will NOT take away any other rights that we are willing to fight for.

    Also, every part of our nation that has attempted to ban guns has seen dramatic increases in gun violence.

    One more interesting point (among hundreds) when concealed carry laws were changed to make it easier to citizens to carry concealed weapons in the state of Florida, violent crime agaisnt women dropped by over 50%.  This is an easily verifyable statistic, search it.

  2. I know I'm going to make some people a little angry here but I think America's gun culture comes from deep-seated fear that has been passed down from generation to generation.  If you invade somewhere and you take the land from the natives then you are always going to be in a position of defence.  You will always be worried that the natives will take it back and you'll lose everything you've worked for.  Or worse, someone else could come along and take your land just like you did to the natives that were there before you.  Hence the pathological fear of new foreigners.  It is the same thing with the protestant community in Northern Ireland.  They came from Scotland and took the land from the Irish Catholics about 400 years ago but a legacy of fear and distrust has been passed down from one generation to the next. That is hatred based on the same kind of fear - what if they take back the land?! what if they outbreed us? etc etc... What it comes down to is fear, fear that you will lose something.  The fact that guns are legal in America gives the frightened settler some sense of security and the lenient self-defense laws in the States back him up.  If someone wants to steal your TV (which you bought with hard-earned money) you have every right to shoot him in the back as he's running away. I know, I know "Guns don't kill people, people do" - I think you might find it a lot more difficult without the gun though.

    I'm not saying you fear natives now :-) lol  but that you (America) did in the past.  I know there aren't that many left to fear.  I meant that every generation of Americans have felt they needed to defend what they had by force. What I mean is that America seems to always feel under threat from someone or something, whether it be a burglar coming into your house, foreigners coming to take your jobs, communism, Islam. Fear.  There's always something that necessitates your average Joe having a gun.  I don't think banning guns is really an option for America at this stage, like you say nearly everyone has one so the damage is already done unfortunately.  But like Chris Rock suggested you could try making bullets really expensive.

  3. Because if one statement can be challenged and rewritten, then the entire constitution can be challenged and rewritten.

  4. Why would we want to? I feel safe having guns in our home, even though I don't know how to use one. I'm sure I could do so if need be.

    It is our constitutional right to bare arms. Think how our lives would be if the government took away that right. Then they would have total control over everything and everybody. And that would not be a good thing!

  5. this is America stupid

  6. First of all because its our second amendment right to own/bear arms.

    Second of all even if they were able to ban them, they would only be taking them away from the good honest people who do no wrong and kill no one.  Ours would be easier to locate since we have ours registered.

    While all the criminals would still have all of their guns since they do not register them, they would still be able to continue to kill people.

    So the only thing that would happen is that the good/honest people would be left unable to protect them selves, and the criminal would keep doing all the evil things that they do.  

    So where is the good in that, when you leave good honest hard working citizens defenseless against criminals.  You would give all of the power to criminals, and they would continue to kill any way.  

    I hope that this helps answer your question.  I wish you all the best.  God bless.

  7. It keeps us free. The government can't take over and dictate an armed society!

    When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. It's not the law abiding citizens engaging in crimes with guns.

  8. Hello. I have been in Aussie all my life and my brother moved over there and he said it is gun crazy. He told me it was because there is alot of hunting and also it is a big sprt over there. I know it is really crazy hey. They wonder why people shoot each other. Omg lol. You can get guns from anywhere over there. Hope that helps a little.

  9. The right to bear arms was one of those little protections the founding fathers put into the constitution. They feared a tyrant or military leader might someday try and take over the government. By having an armed populace it makes it that much harder for someone to usurp the government from the people.

  10. Just check the statistics in your own country, Aussie, and you will see that crimes such as aggravated assaults and burglaries have increased since guns were banned in Australia.  You think you're safer but you are not; you may not be shot but you can be beat to death or hacked up by someone with a knife.  Death is death no matter how it comes.

  11. It's actually very simple.

    If guns are prohibited, those that follow the law will turn in their guns.  Criminals, and we have a lot of them, will not.  

    If what you say is true then DC should have never had a murder.  DC didn't allow handguns but yet it is one of the most dangerous cities in America.  

    A ban wouldn't prevent crime.  In fact, you would see an increase.   Criminals would have victims who are less likely to fight back.  

    Ideally, yes, if you outlawed firearms everyone would line up and turn them in.  We would not have guns to use to harm each other.   Not realistic, though.

  12. Trust me, even we Americans don't understand why but we have so many lunatics now in our country who will kill with whatever they can pick up. Most people have it for self-defense and the year 07-08 has really showed it (criminals who've been breaking in have been shot during ruthless attacks, etc.) but guns really should be banned in our country.

  13. The Second Amendment to the US Constitution states that we have the right to bear arms.

  14. same reason we don't ban stupid questions.

  15. There are so many illegally obtained firearms held by criminals that if we were to ban them now only the bad guys would have guns.  I have owned firearms all my life and never shot anyone, but I am prepared to defend myself and my family if a criminal decides to make us targets.  If we could live in a society completely free from guns I would be all for it.  Unfortunately we are well past that point.

    Judging by the answers posted by non-Americans you guys really don't understand anything about our country.  For the first guy, it isn't easy to LEGALLY obtain a handgun.

  16. ok god you ppl are going all around the answer.

    listen if i went out got a lisense then bought a gun... its in my name... if i suddenly want to turn bad... why would i use my gun? its like saying heres the evidence! come get me!

    and if a bad guy wanted a gun.... you dont think he could go get one?

    and to lu dub - "If you invade somewhere and you take the land from the natives then you are always going to be in a position of defence."

    lol your crazy!! nobody in america fears indians! XD

    we have them on reservations.

    to encorperate history into this, america was founded almost 350 years ago right? right.

    they had muskets, when they made the constitution they were worried about the brittish invading some later years... so if everyone had their own weapon america would win the war right? yessss!

    and to cindy... sigh.

    america does work because if everyone has a gun then everyone would have equal defence and offensive capibilitys. but the millitary would have the most (which it does due to ammendments)

  17. Dont know the reason. But i understand where you are coming from.  I ask the same question.

  18. Because the best way to ensure liberty is to arm the citizens.

    When was the last time Switzerland was taken over?

  19. You have given your own answer:

    "i really don't understand this."

    TRUE - you have no understanding concerning it, whatsoever. Why should the criminal element be the only ones armed? They're not going to obey the gun ban. That's the classic liberal mentality, and of course, liberals don't believe in the Constitution.

    Disarming the HONEST CITIZENS is part of the liberal mental disease.

    The more appropriate question is: "Why do other countries disarm their honest citizens and leave them at the mercy of criminals, unable to protect themselves and their loved ones?"

  20. Is there business they hate competition. The right to bare arms. Everyone has the right to protect their self not just America.

  21. they find it safe for themselves

  22. Maybe it's because they want to kill people. I mean dude, war is over, there's no reason for guns!!

    They just want to kill.... Which is bad... No help for world peace....

  23. It's their constitutional rights to be able to protect themselves.   But not all Americans agree with this.

    I mean, buying bullets in a supermarket?  That's just wrong.

  24. People use guns for many different reasons.  Some people hunt like here in Kentucky. They use guns to protect themselves personally or protect their homes from invaders. Many people also feel that the population would be less easily controlled if we were invaded. Others collect guns as merely a collector some guns are intersting. And others use guns for sport they go to competions to win prizes. I guess I don't understand why that other countries want us to be like them. There are many questions like this from individuals from other countries who preach no guns on this site all the time when they don't live here. That makes me wonder why they care so much.

  25. its just their law. i think...


  26. Because in the gun-slinging movies you used to watch before (with cowboys and bars and chicks....) EVERYONE has a weapon...... US people are proud of their history to the point that carrying a weapon is cool..and a reference to the good old days youd see in American movies

  27. There's more blaks in america , hence the use of more guns.


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