
How come an 80GB iPod is recognized with a capacity of 74.31 GB?

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I have an 80GB iPod Classic and when plugged in, my computer and iTunes claims that the capacity is 74.31 GB. Apple ripped us off 5.69GB.

Why couldn't Apple say that the capacity is 70GB and reward us 4.31GB?




  1. basically the hard drive actually is 80GB however when the drive is formatted so it can use information and store it plus the operating system takes up space if u look on the box it should say that in fine print all hard drives are like that my iphone only holds 7.08 even though its an 8gb drive hope that helps

  2. because apple cheated us and now were all gonna die  

  3. how do you think your ipod works. yeah thats how. with that 5.69 Gb you have everything that makes it work. and all your other stuff that makes the ipod an  ipod

  4. Because the rest is taken up by software like quick time - and games.

  5. no it has 80GB on it. the program to house the songs takes up room in the hard drive. also the programs to decode the data from ur pics, vids, audio files, game files and all tht stuff takes up room. the games tht come stock on the ipod take up room. theres basically already alot of stuff the ipod needs to function on its hard drive.  

  6. the remainig 5.69 gb goes into loading and device based software. iphone didnt really rip us off. i guess its in the fine print somewhere. its probably a marketing scheme

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