
How come animals don't clean their teeth?

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it's amazing how thir teeth don't fll out.. why not??




  1. they dont have toothbrushes

    and their teeth do fall out

  2. A lot of animals have cleaner teeth than humans simply because they don't consume the same types of food and drinks. Humans drink fizzy drinks and fatty foods when dogs for instance drink water and only have a couple different snacks, so basically even though they don't brush there teeth there teeth don't get as dirty anyway because there not consuming different acids and chemicals etc.

  3. They don't visit dentists who drill holes in the teeth that are not needed simply to get as much money as they can

  4. They do, if you feed them correctly, as part of their diet has a cleaning effect on their teeth.  Like everyone else they may need further attention when they visit the vets.

  5. yea they do! they eat certain things to help clean their teeth! aligators (or maybe crocodiles, or maybe both!) sit with their mouths open and theres this little bird that goes in and removes anythign thats there. thats how the birds feed and thats how the aligator gets their teeth clean. animals have different methods of doin this...

  6. Most animals do not eat a diet full of sugary snacks like humans and they tend to eat a large meal once a day rather than snacking throughout the day so thee teeth are not under constant attack.

    They clean their teeth by eating crunchy and chewy food which helps to remove plaque.

    As they age animals do often lose their teeth

  7. 4 things required to get dental decay. eliminate any 1 and you will never get a cavity.  

    1.  teeth

    2.  sugar

    3.  time

    4. bacteria

    #3 you cant fix- if you can your rich in the women's cosmetic field

    #1 no teeth= no decay

    #2 and #4 are things you can modify.

    For animals, they do not eat processed sugar and hence can not get dental decay as you know it.

    Prior to the 1800's humans never developed decay either.  Look at old skulls from mummies ect. and they had all of their teeth.  It took industrial revolution and the introduction of refined sugar to cause decay.

    Animals can lose their teeth from periodontal disease, thats why good pet owners will brush their pet's teeth every so often

  8. They do fall out!  And they go rotten, some dogs have really bad breath - that's a classic insult around here to call someone 'dog's breath'!  Some owners clean their pets' teeth for them, you can buy doggy toothpaste and brushes in vets, and you can get special dentabix for them to eat which 'clean' their teeth whilst they eat them.

  9. they do. the food that they eat will help clean their teeth. animals like gorillas use twigs to clean their teeth. canivores use the bones and the hide of animals to clean their teeth.  

  10. 1--thy clean their teeth by eating

      2--thy did not eating glocoz

      3--thy have different dental  structur

    so  loool

    good luck

  11. thy dont eat the same c**p that we do and yes sometimes they get cavities and their teeth DO fall out, just they often have shorter life-spans and dont have to deal with dentures as a result, on occasion, a wild animal will loose his teeth and starve, whereas a pet might be put down by the vet cause its a lot of work to have a dog with missing teeth

  12. They don't eat the same c**p we do.

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