
How come baseball players have the same mannerisms as cops?

by Guest58742  |  earlier

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Seriously. I'm not joking. I've been studying this for some time. Not academically or anything like that. If you look at cops and the way they talk and look and then you compare them to many baseball players, it is very similar. Like they got the whole strong silent type thing going on. They look all beefed up (sometimes from illegal substances) too. And they got those military looking haircuts going on. Watch an interview with a baseball player or a baseball manager once and close your eyes. You could swear it is a cop talking about baseball or something.




  1. Are you saying that Manny Ramirez looks like a cop with his haircut?  What about his mannerisms?  Johnny Damon's Boston look, you remember the caveman?  I can see maybe a few players, but you can't even come close to saying all of them.

  2. I've never noticed, but I'll definitely pay more attention!  haha that's really kinda awesome that you noticed that!  :~)

  3. Well, these days with all of exercise and weight training they do, many baseball players are strong and big ( taking away the notion that most baseball players aren't athletes ) since most baseball players are athletes anyway. They actually cut their hair to military style because having a full head of hair slows down a player some what. For a "cop attitude" baseball players are the only pro athletes who are allowed to police themselves whenever a fight happens and leave the dugout.

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