
How come beating ill-behaving kids can't be done anymore.?

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Wouldn't it be better to stomp some sense and discipline in them while they are small ? How come all those people saying you can't give them a wallop around their ears anymore ?




  1. please don't have kids

    hey why the thumbs down?  he said "beating" kids, which is WRONG.  I think if you speak and treat your kids with respect, they will be respectful to you.  beating them will only teach them to be subservient and then they will rebel every chance they get.  only respectful discipline will teach them respect for you

  2. When discipline went out the window what we got was ill-behaved kids.

  3. Well I don't think you should beat your kids, however I do believe in spanking then when need be. I believe in spanking with hand, wooden spoon and hairbrush. I also believe in soap in the mouth. all those things do not leave bruises. If something is taken so far it leaves bruises then it is abuse.

  4. i agree,

    some of these kids just need to get the shlt beat out of them every once in awhile to be put in their place.

  5. i dont BEAT my kids,,,i give a smack on the *ss or a cuff up side the head.  my husband and i do NOT tolerate back talk or sassin in any form.  i have instilled morals, respect, and dignity in my children.  i think too many kids today get to do what they want when they want and suffer no consequence for it.  my children know if they do something wrong,,,there is a consequence and it is NOT just "talking about it".  i was spanked as a child,,,i was cuffed up side the head and slapped on the mouth.  i have turned out to be a normal everyday person that has never been arrested,,,never done drugs,,,dont drink,,never stole anything.  im sorry but kids today get away with TOO Much and do not understand that there are consequences to their actions.  I would gladly spend a night in jail because i "disciplined" my child than to have my child run the streets doing things that are not right, and possibly ending up in jail themselves.  

    there is a difference between BEATING and discipline.  Maybe if more people worried about their own families and their own children,,,there wouldnt be as many problems.  if you worry about your lil jimmy and i worry about mine,,,alot would be solved.  too many people have their noses in too many other peoples business.

    in our parents day and age,,,a whooping was common place and in our parents day and age there was NOT the problems faced today.  now a days there is less whooping and ALOT more problems.

    *my mother called it "cuffed up side the head"

  6. I think an open handed spank on the bum is the extent that corporal punishment should be taken.

    Those people saying "I got beated, slapped, hair pulled and hit by my parents and I turned out okay" are just kidding themselves.  No- what you've done is perpetuated the cycle of violence.  Your children will think that using physical force is a good way to solve a problem or to get someone to concede to your wishes.  

    I teach jr. high, and believe me- I see LOTS of kids slapping, hitting, kicking, etc thinking that it's okay because their parents do it  (did it) to them.  When their parents get pulled in for meetings, they look dumbfounded as to why their child is so violent.  Hmmm......I wonder!

  7. Not hit a child in the Face. But a spanking with open Hand ion the Bum is not false and sometimes needend.

    Greetings. Mom of 2

  8. Discipline is definetly necessary for kids while they are small. I don't know what exactly you mean by beating or a wallop around their ears but they both sound a little extreme. A good spanking is what I recommend, it should hurt and leave the spanked area a little red but never cause bruises or anything like that.

  9. bullying on kids does long term psychological damage.  Problem is when their all grown up they don't receive the help they need because they "turned out fine" but deep inside they resent what was done to them and so the cycle continues.


    Maybe this could be a reason why it's not Okay to beat kids.

  11. Beatings are never allowed, that would be abusive.  It's unfortunate that you are that immature to have to start a ruckus here.

    A spanking is allowed, that's a swat/two on the bottom, nothing harmful.  

    What is a "wallop around their ears"?

    Thanks for clarifying, sorry I misunderstood.  Wasn't sure!  What has that got to do with a "beating"?  One should never beat their child.  The term "beating" is taken as abuse.

  12. well it can traumatize them for one and its too much its just unnecessary

  13. I was raised old parents spanked me...Mama slapped me across the mouth on many occasions...she even yanked me by the hair of the head...I turned out just fine.  I had my wild moments, don't get me wrong, but I also knew right from wrong and how far to push it.

    Disciplining your children and abusing them are two totally different things.  You can discipline them, whether with a belt or other means of (I love this one!!) corporal punishment, as non-believers of spanking call it, without being overzealous and abusing them.  That's what is wrong with our kids today...they know they're not going to be spanked because Mr. So and So and his nosey wife will tell if they scream loud enough.  Then when Mr. So and So's kid slaps the snot out of him, they wonder where they went wrong!?  What did I do?  How could I have avoided this situation!?

    I'll tell you how:

    You take a piece of LEATHER and apply it to their BUTT.  In other words, You use the board of education on the seat of learning, and that gets the job done!  If putting your child in the corner corrects the situation...if timeout works for you...if grounding your kid fixes whatever ailes them...more power to ya!  But when that stops working, do what works...

    Use the board of education!  

    I raise my kids the same way my parents raised me.  I've never left a bruise or mark on their butts, but I've left a mark across their brain!  The learned after my application of leather that they shouldn't do whatever caused me to spank them again, otherwise, I'll do it again!  They'll one day walk up to me, as I've done my own parents, and say, Mama, thank you for my raisings.  Thank you for molding me into the person I've become.  I love you.  That, my friend, will make it all worthwhile!

    I don't suggest walloping them around their ears, which, by the way, IS an english term that anyone gets...use their butts...that's what God made them for!  You can correct your kids without walloping them...without leaving a bruise...without ABUSING your kids, correct your a PARENT.

    God's blessings on you and yours...Always!

    Edit:  I agree with Lady Dye!!  I'll do jailtime, if it keeps my kids out of jail!  One time in the Dollar store, my 3 year old grabbed at a display of key rings and they all hit the floor.  I took him out the buggy, pulled his pants down, and tore his naked butt up!  Hubby freaked out!  He said, Stop!  People are staring!  I said loud enough for anyone to hear:  I LAID UP ON THAT TABLE AND HAD HIM, I'LL SPANK HIM, AND IF THEY HAVE BALLS ENOUGH TO SAY SOMETHING TO ME ABOUT IT, I'LL SPANK THEM, TOO!  Needless to say, all eyes returned to the front of the store and/or their shopping, we checked out and noone said one word to me!  

    I can't say it enough, you can correct your kids without abusing them.  Spanking them isn't abuse!  I too can say I've never been in jail, never been arrested, never did drugs, I don't drink, I'm wife and mother of 2 boys, avid church goer, Christian and preacher.  My parent's way of raising WORKED.  All four of their children are active members of society, attend church, raise their kids the same way we were raised, aren't in trouble, never done drugs...We turned out A OK!

    I'll step off my soap box now...NEXT!

  14. its not allowed any more because some people abused it and smacked the kids in to the ER

    there is better way,

    standing in the corned, soap in the mouth or taking everything out of their rooms but a mattress and covers

  15. Because this country has become nothing but whining little brats that cant deal with the fact that life sucks.  Oh, and we all believe we all deserve everything, and can blame everything on others.

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