
How come beautiful Windsor, Ontario has to share a border with crime-filled Detroit, Michigan?

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I'm American by the way so all you Canadians out there who think I'm mean to dis the USA, no worries I'm from the US.

Windsor Ontario = Beautiful Girl

Detroit, Michigan = Jerky Guy

And these two cities border each other because the polluted crime-filled drive-by shooting Detroit area plays hard to get with the people of Windsor, Ontario. It's a challenge for the Ontarians to find the tranquility of Detroit.

And so the two cities married each other and decided to honor the marriage with an Ambassador Bridge.

Don't you agree?




  1. Having grown up in Windsor, yes I agree with you.  I did, however, quite enjoy the close proximity of Detroit and being able to see the Pistons, Wings, and Globe Trotters (when they visited back in the 90s LOL), and Mondays at Mexican Town are always a hoot for Windsorites.

    BUT, Windsor could certainly do without the crime spilling over the river on weekends downtown, stabbings, guns.... not cool.  And we certainly contributed a good share of pollution from the auto plants as well.

    Either way... Windsor isn't looking much better these days.  Real estate values are 1/2 of what they used to be, unemployment is up and so is crime.

  2. are you from Michigan? Because this is pretty stereotypical stuff.

  3. Windsor was founded 1748. Detroit in 1701. Detroit was there first, therefore Windsor should move if Windsor doesn't like it.

    'sides, Windsor should be proud to be the nice part of as big a city as Detroit. After all, where would Windsor be without Michigan teenagers wanting to drink, and the strip clubs and casino?

  4. Luck of the draw, I guess.

  5. It could move.

  6. very good point... my ex is from detroit... (im in texas) and as soon as we broke up i sent him right back to his stupid city!

  7. Must have been a shotgun wedding.

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