
How come black guys rather date women outside their race?

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Everywhere i go I always see that specific kind of interracial dating. There are more Black men in that kind of relationship than there are Black women.




  1. good question. Maybe they were raised around more white people and naturally gravitate towards white women. Also, there is less stigma attached for a black man to date a woman of another ethnicity than the other way around. Black Women dating men of other ethnicities is still seen as taboo to many black woman and people of other races.

  2. I don't know that to be true.

    Not speaking from a race perspective, who I date is who you see me with (if I go where you go). Who I'd RATHER date may not be the one you see me with.

    If I'm with the one I'd rather, we probably would not be where you'd see us simply because we're not into things that involve/include "uninviteds" (i.e., invitation only). Dinner party vs. club; private club vs. public bar.

    Where I go to lunch with co-workers is not the same place I go for dinner with my "rather". Given that, I understand why it would look like my co-worker and I were dating.

    Just looking through the other lens of possible explanations for the phenomenon you experienced.

  3. I have to agree, So many of black men do have a higher rate for white women than ever b4..... Can't just say its just curiosity, or behavior of white vs. black women. I think just so many black females have a dedication to black men that we don't stereotypically "sell out" by dating men of other races.  i know personally its just the whole attraction thing.  I'm not anti-interracial dating, i'm just pro-black families. A healthy black family is what i always wanted. A man who grew up in a familiar situation to mine and overcame the hard times to get more. That gives me more of an apprecation for him, and reinforces his appreciation for me.

  4. Because black girls are usually extremely bit*hy

  5. Well, this most likely is untrue...but..

    I have heard that .....

    Remember that "million man march" several years ago?

    I heard that during that men were encouraged to mix the races, in an effort to make one large mixed race....

  6. to make it simple. black women arent interested in white guys.

    and black guys are interested in white women.

  7. you don't date people because of their race you do because of their personality and what you like about them.

  8. No idea.  Not even sure it's true.  I'm white and my wife is black, and the neighbor upstairs is also white, with a black fiance.  On tv it's always the other way around though.  TV makes us believe anything, including that it matters.  If you're attracted to someone, and there's an emotional bond too, then you're a match.  Pigment level is kind of a silly way to try to choose a mate.  Maybe divorce rates are so high because we're using factors that shouldn't even exist.

  9. well, to keep the sterotypes going... I usually see black men with large white maybe the curves draws them in! Also, the stereotypical black woman is seen as strong, loud and demanding, and if you listen to modern music, very self-centered. White women are generally sterotyped as more delicate, quieter, and kind of dizty. So maybe they are just looking for a different "type" of girl.

    That's just the sterotypical version though.....I happen to think they just like the person inside the skin color.

  10. There are several answers to this question...but before I begin let me start by saying some black guys rather date women outside their race; others do not.  

    Some of the main reasons black men date women outside their race are:

    1) Curiosity - black men (like all other men) wonder about what its like to be with women of different ethnic backgrounds.  Its human nature to be curious and want to explore things that are different or unknown.

    2) Variety - think of women as ice cream: there are many delicious flavors to suite one's palate.  Just because I'm crazy about "Chocolate Supreme" doesn't mean I won't have a taste for some "French Vanilla" every now and then (or at least want to give it a try if offered).

    3) Sometimes black women can be...let's say...difficult when it comes to relationships.  Sometimes the complications that come along with being with a black woman (family baggage, a small village of children, crazy ex's, and an independent streak that could lower a pimp's self-esteem) can be a bit much for a brother to handle.  When this happens, we may seek a woman of a different race to get a break from the drama.  

    Of course women of other races have these issues too, so I'm not implying that the preceding list of complications only apply to black women.  And I know everything I just said is highly subjective, disputable, and possibly offensive to some, but its an honest answer to what seems to be a sincere question about black men's dating habits.  Hope it helps.

  11. Almost every available black woman I've met has greeted me with less than a balanced demeaner. And I am educated and socially well rounded. And not bad looking.

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