
How come brown cows eat green grass and give white milk and yellow butter

by  |  earlier

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How come = why not how. Its a riddle folks




  1. what kind of question is that

  2. Well. I will compare it to other things. We eat colored foods and our milk is still white. african Americans eat colored food and their milk is still white. So it is the same for cows.

  3. the pigment of the cows fur has nothing to do with the food i makes  due!

  4. Brown cows do make brown p**p.

  5. The pigment it their fur has nothing to do with what colors of things they produce.

  6. thats the color of its leavings

    as in pee and poo

  7. firstly the colour of the cow on the outside doesn't matter, they are all the same on the inside, the milk is white because the food is broken down to its simplest form and has no colour in it, the milk is then churned and several types of edible waxes are added to it, hence making it yellow.

  8. who cares? it all tastes good

    GO MEAT!!

    and butter and cheese and all that good stuff

  9. Im not really sure, but I don't think brown cows produce milk or butter. brown cows are used for slaughter aren't they??

    So I guess the answer is, They don't.

    I'm probably not right, but at least closer than some of these folks

  10. Hw come our moms eat everything and give white milk and no butter

  11. You know what they say. Taste the rainbow

  12. because theyre stomache turns it out that that way

  13. Because the sky is blue.

  14. Since cows have two stomachs, they "regurgitate." <}:-})

  15. thats just the way it is....wth



  16. there are trolls living inside of cows

  17. I love cows!!

  18. Because they looked up and saw a rainbow!

    Watch out for that brown butter though.  Nasty!

  19. They're special, magical creatures that taste great.

  20. omg !!!!!

    pigment it their fur has nothing to do with what colors of things they produce

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