
How come calling cards cost like 5 times as much for in state numbers versus out of state calls?

by  |  earlier

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it seems to me it should be the other way around




  1. I think that out of state is like one on one here to there   one company to another company only .. In state it acts like the Maffia every onet want a piece of the pie.... here a buck you a buck every one gets something surcharge this and that etc.  good question, that's lmy opinion

  2. It doesn't make any sense. I started using this service which is 1.9 cents to to make calls both instate and out of state (

    It saved me tons of money.

  3. With telcos, in-state calling is always more expensive than out of state calling.  I think it has something to do with state taxes.

    With VoIP services, it doesn't matter if you are calling next door, across state, or across USA/Canada the rates are the same.  Try rolling your own Calling Card using VoIP as the backbone carriers:  for as low as 2   cents/min anywhere in USA/Canada and many places abroad.

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