
How come cameras can pick up ghosts?

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how come they can pick up ghosts. beacuse in 2007 i went on a hoilday to great yarmouth and we was on this hoilday caravan site and we went to this club on the site with entertainment. we all sat down and i wanted to take a picture of my mum and before i took it nobody was near her and when i took it in the picture i saw a old mans face beside her shoulder he looked so real. on the picture you could see his

hair his bold head and his face with the eyes and the nose.

it was really weird my mum thought she had a ghost following her. after the photo was took. i havent got a photo anymore beacuse i took it on my camera phone and not long after the

picture was took i lost my phone. somewhere.




  1. they do. I took hundreds of pictures of a tree in our backyard, a very special old and twisted tree. I took a lot the week we moved out. when they were developed the last set had white smoky spirals twisting all through the branches, shooting out into the sky, and floating around the tree.

    I have no idea what to do with this information except share it whenever the topic arises.

  2. It's extremely rare, and only for a 'split second' that this can be achieved. It's the infra-red, or mega-pics, on certain cameras, that captures the image, and some atmospheric conditions are just right for these spectral images to be captured on film.

    What a shame you've lost the picture, and the person who found your phone won't probably even realise what it is you've manage to catch.

    We've caught on video tape our dog, and put it on DVD, (a moving image) which even today amazes not just me but everyone who watches it.

    This apparition was just curious, and was just seeing what you were up to...just saying Hi, that's all..

    Caramac x

  3. Not all camera's are supernatural-attuned, but then again, neither are all humans! Sometimes camera images are compressed and light particles or groupings of certain colours can look like ghosts or abnormal activity. Alternatively, since camera's are machines and not sense-perceptive the way humans are, they pick up on what is actually there and not what we see.

    As humans, our eyes pick up on certain things around us, but there are many layers to the world that overlap like a cake or an onion etc. We can't see the other layers, but they are right there ontop of us! If something otherworldly, such as a spirit ('ghost') is there, but we can't see it, it's likely that some machinery or animals (some animals have higher plane perception than we do) can pick up on it and will capture it on a photograph or bark/meow/tweet at it. You're nothing less than very fortunate to have been able to capture something! And perhaps this ghost was curious as to what you were doing- sometimes otherwordly beings take a certain shine to people and will be nosey :-)

    With love and light, Mena

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