
How come come there has to be the 'pretty' people and then the 'average' or 'not so pretty' people?

by  |  earlier

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I know this sounds stupid but I don't understand why some people were born to look like a goddess i guess and then others weren't as lucky, or at least looks wise. i mean yea it's all in your genes & of course how you take care of yourself too, but why do some people get to look like i guess the stereotypical image of a beautiful woman and others have to be left to envy them?




  1. the people that always look  good usually have put alot of effort in or they got up really early in the morning to do their hair and makeup..they exercise all the anyone could do that i suppose..and they're confident their parents probably have always told them they were amazing from really young age so they actually believe it n live up to it..anyway i rarely see people like that well in MY opinion well anyway most are better than me but..if you're talking about celebrities..they have makeup, editing and lighting and body doubles.

    but i know what you mean i feel like c**p all time..i have no energy to do all that stuff so i just stopped caring

  2. how do you know it's light if you never see dark or twilight ?

    how do you know sweet if you never taste sour?

    that's just nature at work

  3. Have you ever watched a dog show on TV?  Animals aren't born equal either.  Some are built better than others, look better, etc..  It's common to all creation.

  4. ive felt this way plenty of times before!!!! i think beauty lies in sisters tell me that if you think your beautiful, others will believe just have to be comfortable in your own skin and rock the looks ya got!...then people will envy YOU!

  5. Its not stupid its the way life is and some people just wont accept it. All that stuff about just being confident with what you have is stupid because at the end of it all you are not as good looking as the "pretty" person. But you can always improve the way you look if you work out and have enough money to buy new body parts.

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