
How come didn't get back expected amount from stimulus check?

by  |  earlier

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My friend who files head of household and has 2 kids was expecting about $1200 back ($600 for her and $300 for each kid), but only got $900. We were trying to figure out why. She files each year, but makes under $20,000 a year and gets alot EIC. I was thinking it was because she didn't make enough. Does anyone know why she didn't receive $1200?




  1. The amount is UP TO $600 - many people ignored the UP TO in the info they saw.  You only get $600 if your tax liability was that much or more - otherwise you get a 100% refund of your tax liability, with a minimum of $300.  Many people only qualify for $300 since they paid little or no tax - or qualify for something in between $300 and $600.  With head of household and two dependents, and income under $20K, your friend would have had tax liability under $300 if she had any at all, so she got $300.

  2. yes,she didn't make enough to receive 600.00 for herself,so she got 300.00 for her and 300.00 for each of her kids.

    her tax liability was zero.tell her to look on line 28 of her tax return and if it says zero she only qualified for the minimum amount of 300.00 for each of them including herself.

    it was up to 600.00 for a individual not a flat 600.00 and the minimum was 300.00 no matter if your tax liability says zero which could have made someone get nothing,it was very fair i'd say.

    hope this helped!

  3. To get your best answers to your question go to: http://IRS.Gov  this is the IRS website and it will tell you anything you need to know about stimulus checks

  4. She expected wrong and didn't read the rules on the IRS website.  With her income and 2 children, filing as HoH, her income tax liability is near or at $0.  That means she gets $300 for herself and $300 for each of the 2 children.  Total:  $900

    The rebates are based upon tax liability.  If your tax liability is less than $300, all you get is $300.

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