
How come early Native Americans always tried to escape back to their civilization.......?

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when captured by white settlers but when many white settlers lived with Native Americans they never wanted to go back to their way of life?




  1. I have only read one true story of a woman staying with the Indians after her capture, and that was mostly because with Indian children in a white society, she would not be treated with any kindness by her fellow man in their society of that day.

  2. BEcause they lived their lives in simple ways. But the white people had all these like high tech things. It was totally amazing and they didn't want to go back.

  3. You can see today why they wanted to preserve, their culture. They have been reduced to reservations the government felt was their inheritance. If I was one of the settlers why would I want to go back it was like free love and s**z z. It is a shame what happened to them

  4. You've been watching too many movies.

  5. Is that really how it was?  Or is that what TV shows us and wants us to believe?

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