
How come environmentalists are allowed to say the science is shakey.?

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Is this the equivalent of only black people are allowed to sing angry rap music with racial slurs.

Nobody complains when DMX asks "What these b...s want from a n....r?"




  1. Just a couple of months ago, Sean Hannity on Fox news insisted that the economy was strong. People say anything nowadays. They know that through propaganda, just the act of saying something instantly makes it true to the sheeple who listen and don't know better.

  2. The author is a chemical engineering consultant:

    "The Managing Director and principal shareholder in Chemcept Limited is Dr. W.R. Johns, whose background includes: Technology Group Manager in the chemical industry, Chief Chemical Engineer for an international consultancy, and academic positions in the UK and Switzerland."

    Dr. Johns probably feels the need to express some skepticism about global warming to fit in with the large corporate clients that he wants to attract.  He can say what he wants, but that doesn't make him credible or make his claims true.

    He argues against nuclear power due to the threat of nuclear weapon proliferation, not for the additional environmental issues, so what makes you label him as an environmentalist?

    Using a threat of terrorism to motivate people is more of an ultraconservative tactic.  It worked for the Bush administration when they wanted to discard our Bill of Rights.

  3. G'day Benneee !.,.,. it's called SPIN !,.,.,.anyone can do it !

  4. Anyone is allowed to say the science is shaky.  That doesn't mean they're right or that they have the same definition of shakey that you do.

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