
How come every time I get drunk, I wake up 5-6 hours later feeling like c**p, but can't fall back asleep?

by  |  earlier

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I drink maybe 1 time every 2 weeks or so, if that. But this happens every time and pisses me off




  1. its a hangover get over it

  2. Well, maybe you shouldn't get drunk!!!!  Then it won't happen.

  3. Its like when the slap stick doctor slaps you with a rubber chicken.

    Don't do that.

  4. its called a hangover

  5. You have no water in your system. rehydrate buddy, this is basic. Put some water in ya. Your drunk butt needs water. Try it, it may help.

  6. becaseu you body is telling you this is not good. you are doing what all are doing and not doing what you shoudl do if you keep it up and drink more you will slowly be come acholic and that is sad but your mind will lose brain cells and it could be bad cus ethey do not come back.

  7. Alcohol is a diuretic makes you pee. You need to replace what you pee. Drink  a LOT of water.

  8. If you drink alot & try to sleep, you don't the get "REM" sleep, this lack of REM sleep is what some call "drunk sleep" because  you actually start the "hang-over" process while you rest .  In other words, when you drink alot your body is trying to process alcohol, which is actually a poison to your body. So you can't get real rest until the alcohol exits your system. This is why you feel like "c**p".

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