
How come every time I go to Panama the mosaquitoes eat me alive yet do not touch my family ?

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Do they like the taste of new meat ?




  1. I am from Panama and my mom always told me that the reason why mosquitoes never bite me was because my Blood was not sweet enough lol  ;)

  2. some peole are more allergic to mosquitos unfortunately so even if they did get bitten you would show more

  3. Aha! my poor friend, it is because Panamanian mosquitoes like those of their own sort all over the world simply hate non-locals LOL.

    I am from Panama but have been living abroad more than 21 years and every time I go to Panama I am the one getting bitten (just like yourself) rather than the other members of my family.

    I suppose -although I do not have proof- that our bodies for some reason adjust to a more "sterile" environment and makes itself more vulnerable to the local sorts.

    No, I am not saying Panama is not healthy. Many years ago I went to Finland to visit a friend and she took me berry-picking in the forest and believe you me, while she remained unscathed I could count 35 mosquito bites in ONE ARM alone!

    So I guess mosquitoes somehow can "smell" that one is a "foreign body" with a great potential for some exotic delicacy (imported blood!) from abroad.

  4. Mosquitos find their prey by sense of smell and body heat (that's why they mostly come out in the evenings once it's cooled off).  

    They, like us, become accustomed to certain smells, and after a while, have difficulty spotting  the scent of locals (The scents they use are the ones we give off because of the stuff we eat).  

    They find visitors a lot faster than locals because they smell differently.  Plain and simple.

    Stuff you eat also attracts mosquitos.  Eating bananas is a surefire way to ensure that you get bitten that day.

    An unused dryer sheet in your shirt will keep the mosquitos away.  So will a little Vick's Vaporub.  

    Have lived in the tropics for many years.   All my visitors now bring Vicks and dryer sheets with them.

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