
How come every time i go to the dominican republic my family and friends call me "gringo"?

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both of my parents are dominican and a visit the d.r every year. im proud to have dominican parents but i was born in the u.s.a. i speak good spanish and everything but my friends in the d.r call me "gringo" like im not worthy to be called dominican and it annoys me. dont get me wrong i am not ashamed of being american but it really annoys me when my cousins in the d.r say that im not dominican. my question is why dont they consider me dominican?




  1. It's all jealousy, they resent the fact you live here. So, the way to get even is to call you Gringo. I'm Dominican I am thrilled if I'm called a Gringo, because I live here, in good ol USA. I love that I'm Dominican but don't want to live there. There are always problems with power shortages. If you go to a hardware store they may have hammers but are out of nails, and so on...I love the beaches there and the people, but wouldn't trade my life with theirs.

  2. This is coming from the low quality of education and the most Dominicans say "Gringo" to all strangers ( I heard one talking about a "Gringo" and in fact the person was Chiness!) The word "Gringo" has is origine from Mexicans who calls the Americans that way. How Dominicans took it over? well maybe during that the USA occupied this country? Anyway, I think your family say this to you to tease you without any bad mind behind it!. Just relax and play the game with them.

    El Pinguino

  3. Because you were born in the USA and speak the language that's why they call you "gringo"

    Be proud, you are living the best of both worlds. Live in USA and have family in paradise where you can vacation.

    Don't let them get to you. They are just envious. You react, they just do it more.)

  4. They're not trying to insult you. They're just playing around with you....and if they're 'bugging' you, then just call them 'gringo' back and then they'll realize you're not taking them so seriously.

    Just be relaxed. They know you're originally from the DR. But it's just because you weren't born there and you're from another country.

    If they're sounding like they're insulting you in the WAY they say it, then maybe they're being ignorant. But if they're sounding 'fun' when they say it, then they're using it as a term of endearment. They'll use it on you even though you speak Spanish....that being because you're not from there.

    Latin Americans may not agree they're being's usually the non-Latin Americans who thinks it offensive.

    You should know how relatives are....they'll bug the living daylights out of you just to get a reaction and tease you.

    Just have fun!

    **[On a side note, out of curiosity, I checked out the term for its origin and basically it said what I just mentioned....and what everyone else said to you.]

  5. hey am domincana and my mom and dad are too omg yea i kno i dont what it mean but hey go to google translater if you want to email me go to

  6. As you well know Dominicans are very fond of calling each other by knick names. Your cousins know very well that you are Dominican so just do your best  to go with the flow.  

  7. Maybe they call you "Gringo" because they don't want to call you "Punta"... COME ON... THEY ARE RELATIVES... lighten up a bit... they are just HAVING FUN at YOUR expense.

  8. Only you can define who you are. No one else can define who you are.  

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