
How come every where in the world people have different accent?

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Why don't all human's speak the same way?




  1. I sink eet eez becorz vee zort of blend in wit zee climate of ware we was grown up but vee sort of speeks de same zort of way as zee peeple around uz like ve mimic zem.  Like zee funny way teenage girls tolk zay end a sentenz wit zee hi notes instead of wit zee low note in Ameerica and it sort of catchez on.

    Now ven u zinc of peeple say in places like France and like Spain like places dat av been populated for like Sentureys well way back in deir pasts dey wud ave bin small seprit like tribes and got zeir owen lingo going and if zey were in warmer areas like da Rivereara for instanz well day wud ave been happier near the beach dan does poor cold ones in de mountens who wud have spoken slite diffrent French langwige - like slower and moodier dont cha tink? and like i sayed groups of seprits get dair owen stile going.  Like look at Ingland and deir weird diffrent speaks? Like dey speak funny whare dem Beatles came from and dey speak even funnier in like dem Yorkshyer Hills cause ther are so meny sheeps there.  Like in Orstralya dis is a yung cuntry re de Uropeen settlers so we dosn't change much but as mor time goes bi ve might ends up with diffrint diolicks too.  But thinkin about dat as me stumped a bit as Amereeca is yung too re Uropeens comin dair but that Southern Draaaawl has got me thinkin dat maybe it is bekaus of dat big dem dare Mississippi Old Man Riva stuff an it makes dem slow, tired and appy.  Sorry I jist lost de plot.

  2. The muscles involved in speech develop based on the language spoken of the phonemes used. when these muscles are trained in one way and then the person learns another language, the accent remains as the prominance of certain muscles causes the speech to come out different. over time, accents diminish as the persons muscle readjust.

  3. Despite the obvious fact that different countries speak various languages and were brought up in their own ways, accents give a country a colourful and fascinating 'trademark' which perks our interest.

  4. I once read that weather had a bit to do with speech....Cold= tight,  warm= relaxed, from there on in different shaped mouths and a lot of sounds to copy this would explain why poms cannot understand each other.

  5. we are products of our enviorment most people speak with the accent they grew up with.

  6. because of the language that them speak some have more of a clicking voice and others roll their tongue a lot more

  7. because everyone is different. the people that created languages all thought completely different.  The chances of everyone in the world creating the exact same language would practically be impossible.  The different languages cause the different accents.

  8. it's because of the different languages around the world and each language pronounces its words in a different tone and so when speaking another language they'll pronounce those words differently than you would.

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