
How come everybody is in love with Jon and Kate Plus 8, But nobody cares about the Duggar family?

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You know, the one with 17 kids? I mean the Duggar's have 17 kids and nobody pays attention to them?




  1. Jon and Kate's kids are wayyyyyyy cuter and have a better show with funny parents.

  2. Who's the Dugger family?? I hate Jon & Kate Plus 8!!  Idk why...maybe because the Dugger family only did one show and not a series, besides they are probably too busy if they have 17 kids!

  3. I don't even know who the Duggars are.

    But I think i've watched it before, just never paid attention to their last name.

    But Jon and Kate are more entertaining.

  4. The kids in Jon and Kate Plus 8 are much cuter!

    plus their life seems more "real"; in the Duggar show they always seem to be putting on fake smiles the whole time "this is our house, these are our kids".... Jon & Kate scream and fight and do real things that are actually entertaining to watch and relatable.  

  5. i like both of them actually

  6. Hi

    I think its because jon and kates kids are like really cute and sweet. The duggar kids are quite strange and old fashioned. They are nice kids but they arent like normal kids are they. They have a very different kind of sheltered life almost so i dont think people can relate to them in the same way they can to job and kate.

    I like watching both thou. Both fab familys!


  7. I don't know... but I don't like how the Duggar's children all have names that start with J.

    If they want to do the same first letter thing, the girls should be one letter, and the boys something else. There's just way too many J's in that household.

    And not only do all the names except for the mom's start with the letter J, but they have a few kids whose names are wayyy too close. Example: Jedediah (or however you spell it) and Jeremiah, Joy-Anna and Johanna

  8. Because the Duggars are creepy and having a zillion plus kids?!?! wtf!! The older kids are basically raising the younger ones! On an interview I saw of Michelle Duggar she said "well the baby is my buddy until IT is WEENED." Weened?! WTF seriously! PLus Jon and Kate plus eight is real!!! Not those fake plasticy oh we never fight and always get along smiles... Creepy man!!!

  9. OMG JON AND KATE PLUS 8 IS AWESOME!! i think its because The gosselin kids are younger and they have more energy and its fun to watch them. and their adorable. but the duggar family has olderkids and theirs too many to get on camera.

  10. I LOVE JOHN AND KATE plus 8!!!!!!!!

    The kids are sooo cute and they are all the same age. One reason everyone loves the Gosselins is cuz they have their own TV show.

    Another reason is cuz they go on fun trips. I am a huge fan and I get soo jealous when they have other teenage helpers instead of me! lol

  11. Because who cares about a family that want 100 kids and lives off of other people?

    They need to adopt a kid.

  12. but its almost like 17 kids is TOO much

    look how cute aaden, colin, joel, alexis, hannah, leah, mady and cara are

    im addicted to jon and kate

  13. Jon and Kate Plus 8 is new and the Duggar family is old.

  14. Because they're so boring. But Jon and kate's kids do alot of stuff and they're little so it's cute. Plus they're half-Asian. lol  

  15. Because the Duggars are in dreamland, in their bigass house, homeschooling all the children. I mean, it's just selfish of them. They're giving their childen a bad quality of life because of all the children they chose to have. You can't say the same for Jon and Kate, because having six kids was just an accident. You can't control the fact that you have multiples. With that many children though, the Duggars' children get hardly any attention paid to them by their mother or father, and they are basically forcing the older children to raise the younger children. It's just nuts. Plus the Duggars are scary-happy all the time. Jon and Kate have emotions like normal human beings, and they *gasp* actually might raise their voice once or twice during the show!

  16. they dont have a show  


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