
How come everyone in the adoption section think they are Sooo self righteous?

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How come everyone in the adoption section think they are Sooo self righteous?




  1. You DO realize that "self-righteous" is not a compliment, right?  Most people don't think that they're being self-righteous.  Self-righteousness is a quality that people recognize in other people who are being condescending, rude, or ignorant in a stuck-up way.

  2. Not self righteous, I just speak from experience.

  3. You are so funny. You write nasty answers have your q/a blocked and don't allow e-mails. What are you trying to hide?

    Sounds like a troll, acts like a troll, looks like a troll, must be a troll.

    So now your Jan instead of L, you are making me laugh

    And now your posing as a 16 yr old who wants to keep her kid.

  4. I don't *think* I am self-righteous. Tish was phrased that incorrectly. But I'm not surprised, given some of the questions you've asked and answers you've given. Apparently you're not that bright.

  5. The best way to learn about others' motives and behaviors is to first examine your own. You are however a member of 'everyone' on these boards, no? The next question, then, is to ask yourself "why am I sooooo self righteous?"

  6. We are not self righteous, we just removed the rose colored glasses and now we are not "in style"

  7. Who are you? When you ask these questions, it confuzles me. 1st you ask as L if you should tell your son he's adopted. 2nd you ask if you should adopt another race. 3rd you ask y people are self righteous. And 4th, you ask if you should keep your baby at the age of 16. WHO ARE YOU!!!!!

  8. how come some people come to the adoption section and don't understand that it's unethical  to "custom-order" children.

    the knife...cuts both ways.

    ps. i think you mean, "opinionated or judgemental" not self-rightous.

  9. I don't think there is any one here like that. Maybe you are not on either end and need to find another topic to talk about. Find something in your life that makes you happy so you don't have to be negative to other people.


  10. I'm not being self-righteous.

    I'm being informative and honest. I simply regurgitate what I've written on my blog.

    Oh wait, people don't like honesty in adoption.

    Because honesty goes against the fairy-tale. Right?

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