
How come everyone on here tells minors to sell stuff on ebay for money when...?

by  |  earlier

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You have to be 18 to get an account? It just doesn't make sense. I mean, all of these young people (13-17) ask ?s like, 'how can i make money from home' and then people say, 'sell stuff on ebay'. I just checked, you need to be an adult.




  1. I don't know why people would tell minors that unless they have never sold on ebay before because most ebay sellers know you have to be 18 and that when you sell you are basically entering into a binding contract and minors cannot enter into contracts.

    Also you have to have a bank account and a credit card, and you have to be able to mail your packages.

    So yes you are right.

  2. You are absolutely correct.

    In the USA, a minor cannot enter into any contract. Thus signing up for anything online, any money making (schemes such ad ad-spamming) or legit operations such as ebay, would not be a legal contract.

  3. Actually, I'm 15 and I sell on Ebay. I use my dad's information, with his permission of course, and he monitors and helps me out. It's my stuff, though, so I get the money.

  4. I cannot answer your question entirely, and I cannot speak for anyone else. I have never told anyone to sell on ebay because I don't believe in doing it to get money, because you will just end up in the same situation again, unless you have a constant flow of items to sell.

    Regarding why people say that to minors, every day there are probably about 150-200 people who ask how they can make money (online or otherwise). People are too lazy to search through previously answered questions. For this reason, I know many people just have pre-recorded responses to questions like these. Although I personally don't, I do not blame the people answering the questions, because it does get kind of annoying when 3 questions in a row ask how to make money. Inevitably they are going to get the same responses unless something is totally different in their situation (which in most cases it isnt).

    I would not blame those people. They are just trying to honestly help. If you are going to get mad at someone, get mad at the people who spam yahoo answers with their referral ids so they can get paid by the companies for referring other members to useless sites.

    Thats just my 2 cents

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