
How come everytime i stand up i get really dizzy?

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whenver i stand up i get really dizzy and i see black and i can barley stand for like 5 seconds and then it goes away. my mom said im probably getting up to fast but i tried getting up slower and it keeps happening..

and one time i got so dizzy that i couldnt stay of my feet and i fell on the floor.

and my mom is a nurse so she always thinks shes right about medical stuff and she rarely ever takes me to the doctors. so when i tell her shes says nothing but im probably getting up to fast.

what else could this be from?!




  1. It's actually quite normal. Just make sure you give yourself time to may sound like something your grandmother would do....but seriously. Just size up the circumstance, and take your time.

  2. Next time you sit down, take a glass of juice with you to sip slowly. It might be a problem with your blood sugar levels.

  3. This happens to me a lot, but I just chalk it up to not eating enough.  

  4. I have no idea. This happens to me as well and I have no idea what it is. Try keeping your fluids up. You may be getting sick or something like a cold maybe...I get it sometimes.

  5. You could be anemic or dehydrated. Maybe both. You should go to the doctor. Both my sis and I have felt that way on many occasions and it hs been due to anemia. My sis also got dizzy when she was unbelievably dehydrated, though.

    If your mom is a nurse why has she not considered either of these simple and very common things?

  6. Well, I am not a Doctor so, I don't have the right to diagnose your case but based on my experiences.. I guess your problem is what we call,  ORTHOSTATIC HYPOTENSION.. research what that means for you to have an idea about that..

    Hope this helps.

  7. You were laying down too long ? ):

  8. i have the same problem where everything get fuzzy and the room is spinnin. ya all it is, is your getting up way to fast. just slow down. and drink more water. i had the same thing happen and my mom told me to slow down when i get up. it totally works. no biggy

    hope i helped

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