
How come far-left wingnuts are beating up on Sarah Palin; I thought they were all about "diversity"?

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Since when is it okay to beat up on women? Oh, THAT'S RIGHT, to them "diversity" looks like this: As long as it looks like, walks like, and brays like a donkey, then they don't care WHAT it looks like. (Translation: We're all about diversity as long they believe in the far-left wingnut catechism; if they don't, they should eat s**t and die!) Some "diversity": Think like me or I'll kill you deader than a doornail!

That, sports fans, is what passes for "diversity" among the enlightened and oh, soooo PC, far-left wingnut crowd in this country. And they wonder why the other side looks at 'em and can't help breaking out in a fit of the giggles. And to think that that crowd wants to be my latex salesman! :-))




  1. It has nothing to do with the fact that Sarah Palin is a woman, she is the presumptive nominee for Vice President for the Republican party which automatically makes her a target for the Democrats the same as Biden is a target for the Republicans.  

    Maybe someday you people will grow up but somehow I doubt it.

  2. You were wrong, all this time, its not just diversity, its competency.

    Its about recognizing competency without checking for skin color or gender or religious belief.'s the shocker...without regard for party.

    McCain could have picked a more well known woman, but he didn't.  He could have chosen a more experienced woman, but he didn't.  Palin could be a brilliant woman, and I sincerely hope she is, if they win she would be a seventy-two year olds heartbeat away from the presidency, if shes going to be Commander in Chief, I don't want it to be of the "Good Ship Lollipop"

  3. Exactly what is a left-wing nut? I know they aren't remotely as frightening as right-wing ones

  4. They're beating up on her because they're upset that they didn't think of her first.  I mean, McCain's move is genius!  He chooses a younger, female VP who comes from a working-class family.  She has 5 kids, one of them is on his way to fight in Iraq, and one of them is a special needs child.  She has vast knowledge of environmental issues and oil...McCain struck gold with this one!  I think she will immediately appeal to the masses.

  5. Why are far right wingnuts beating up on Obama?  I thought they weren't racist.  8^)

    For that matter, why did the GOP smear McCain in 2000, spreading rumors that he was mentally unstable and had an illegitimate mixed-race child with a prostitute?

  6. they know he picked the deal sealer and they are jealous

    they thought they'd get the minority vote

    but they never get it

    they pick those who espouse far left radical beliefs and

    think that's what america wants

    wake up

    we are America not socialist Europe

    no matter how much they want us to be

    we flatly refuse socialism


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