
How come females who don't follow feminism are usually pretty and attracting?

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I've noticed that females who don't follow feminism or don't believe in it are usually very attracting. Why is this?




  1. Tracey: it goes both ways.

    Here's a picture of "s**y" feminist Rosa DeLauro........

    Most feminists are actually enlightened and beautiful women, it's most often just the obsessed radicals who give them a bad name.

    Here's Naomi Wolf a more typical feminist.

  2. I know some unattractive women that don't follow feminism. If you have a source to support your theory, I'd love to see the documentation.

  3. I think you are narrow minded

  4. uhm..what? Most feminist I've met were vibrant, beautiful women. maybe indimidating to some men, but just fine with me. I do say most, some just plain hated men.

  5. LOL Attracting?

    I don't know. Your perspective towards feminism may have something to do with the fact that you find these women more attractive than their feminist counterparts. I know alot of women. Some feminist, some not. Their looks really have nothing to do with their opinions about feminism. The pretty ones are pretty regardless of their beliefs.

  6. don't follow feminism?  I have never known a woman like that.  All women I know or have even heard of do something feminism allowed either legally of socially...working, voting, driving, choosing not to have children, owning their own property, divorcing abusive or cheating husbands (I don't support frivolous divorce...but that's really the person's business), continuing education, etc.

  7. So I take it you've met every feminist that there is in this world to meet? and you've compared them to each and every woman in the world  who's not a feminist. Very interesting; because I'm a woman and I personally have not met every woman (or man) that believes or does not believe in feminism to make a comparison between the two.  

  8. You need to answer two questions.  One - what is your version of what feminism is and Two - what is attractive.

    I don't like being labelled by either term.  I am a woman, who because I am a mother, have to be in the position of looking after my children.  This I do to the best of my ability.  

    My former husband walked out on me - I had to work to provide for my children.  So I've had to be strong.

    God gave me a brain.  I like to use it.  I have opinions and thoughts and share them.

    I have a body - I like to dress in such a way that I do not embarrass my children.

    Am I feminine - I was born a female therefore I am feminine.

    What I am not is somene who tries to buy a man's love and devotion by appearing helpless and pandering to his ego.

    I have too much respect for myself to do that.

    Am I attractive - two husbands, a couple of lovers, quite a few boyfriends all suggest that I am.

  9. Attracting? Attracting what, who don' t like women to think?

    And are you talking about pretty and attractive anti-feminist women like Barbara Bush and Phyllis Schlafly?

    Here's a picture of "s**y" anti-feminist Phyllis Schlafly:


  10. Well I must be doing something right because I'm a feminist (s*x-positive and independent) and yet I get my fair share of compliments and men hitting on me.  I've been called attractive (as opposed to attracting) and beautiful and the like.  So while I may not be the most beautiful woman in the world, I still seem to attract my fair share of men.  So I think your "theory" falls flat on its face.  

  11. Does that mean those women are looking to get married as young as possible and passing up on getting an education and a career? If they aren't then they are following feminism whether they want to admit it or not. Feminism is precisely the reason they can have those choices in their lives instead of being married off before they are out of their teens and being pulled out of school to help out at home, like what used to be so common in the past and still goes on in many parts of the world today.

  12. ohhh???   an where do u get this from????   i support womens rights.... an most of the things feminists want...  an im certanly gud looking...  guess u dont no much bout women...

  13. I think part of the reason why some beautiful women are anti-feminist is because they are on the "good" end of the sexist stuff. For example, these are the women who never lift a finger and get promoted at work simply because they have really nice Tn'A or are sleeping with the boss. But I find your question to generalizing of the female population. There are tons of beautiful AND unattractive women on both sides of the fence...    

  14. Because we're awesome!

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