
How come first nations (native american bands) still have churches ?

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I know I'll most likely catch a lot of flack for this question

but why do native americans still allow churches on there land.

I mean i'm ojibway registered with couchiching first nation in ontario

and there is this church on my reserve and it always pissed me off

it was there.

Now i hear alot of native elders talk about the creator

and preserving our culture and language but why do allow the catholic

church to still exist on our land.

Alot of us still follow there religion and

such. I myself was baptised there when i was young and had no choice in the matter.

I think we need to take our culture back and get rid of all churches on

on reserves (reservation).




  1. Churches are on Native land because Indian Affairs gave them land.  The reason they are still there is because they won’t give up the land and they can’t sell it.

    We have a Catholic church too, but the congregation is “Non-Native”. In spite of the fact, they can go out of their way make us feel unwelcome in their community.

    So go figure.


    Zorcan from Antares

    The "billions" you are talking about is NOT reparation. It's the money  STOLEN from Native Americans, going back to 1887.


    The Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) collects more than $300 million annually from agricultural and oil leases, mining and water rights, rights-of-way and timber sales on Indian lands "held in trust".

    The "Individual Indian Monies (IIM) program" holds this money “IN TRUST” on behalf "INDIVIDUAL" Native Americans. The IIM Trust Fund hold approximately $450 million at any given time

    An audit of the "Individual Indians Monies" program revealed "BILLIONS" of dollars are missing or otherwise unaccounted for.


    The government mismanaged more than $100 billion in oil, timber, grazing and other royalties on land owned by some 500,000 individual Indian beneficiaries.

    Individual Indian Money (IIM) Accounts Cobell v. Kempthorne


    In addition to IIM are some 2000 "Tribal Trust Accounts", which includes per capita annual payments, compensation for rights-of-way and court settlements, which total $2.3 billion. As with IIM, however, waste, fraud and abuse are rampant.

    Native Americans have there own money. But just like everything else it's has been stolen.

    Learn your facts, a stop promoting pointless propaganda. In today’s world, people have access to information and can learn the truth.


  2. Well it just still shows the (mental) control of the white man. This is for all races sweetie. Although they have given Native Americans reservations... When actually this COUNTRY should be theirs, they just did that to shut ya'll up... Just like they do to other races, they just do it in different ways... Sorry sweetie. If your against it, then dont support it, and stand by your beliefs!

  3.   It,s  not  your  land,,it,s  God,s  country  and you should be thankful

      for the church,s  on it,  you have it good here,,why  can't  you

      see that,,

  4. Are you seriously advocating taking the freedom of religion away from over 4 million Native Americans (in the U.S.)?

    In 2005, there were 493,615 Native American Catholics in the United States, that was 12 percent of all U.S. Native Americans.

    Most of these people embrace both their culture and Christianity.

    With love in Christ.

  5. While I agree with your wish to show cultural pride... what of the members of your tribe who ARE Catholic?

    Since the land is not yours, nor theirs, nor, if you wish to be honest to your tribal affiliation, technically to ANYONE... why should those members of your tribe who are Catholic not have a place to worship as they see fit?

  6. Jesus is for all nations.. it's an individuals choice to follow Jesus, you can't just force out churches in the name of racial purity

    I majored in Native American Studies in college, and there are many proud Christian Native Americans, especially among the eastern band cherokees

  7. In Montana tribes are making out like bandits with fed subsidies while  demanding billions more in reparations going back to 1853.

    Your hodge podge panteistic theology is perfect for your underhanded 'noble thievery' or practice, except you should wear    'war-paint'.  

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