
How come flight attendants don't get scared?

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I am usually a very, very nervous flyer. The sound the engine makes-it always sounds like the plane going down. And turbulence? I don't like it, especially when you hear the "beep, beep" and the announcement, I'm thinking "Oh, c**p". Especially night flying-it must be very diificult, I'm thinking. I wonder how the staff can deal with the stress.




  1. Not everyone shares the same fears you describe in yourself.  A good Flight Attendant has a very strong personality and is not the type of person who thinks the plane is going down every time something makes a different sound.

    They know they are safe.

    So don't worry about them.  They are fine.

  2. I'm a Flight attendant and it's definitely not the engine noise and turbulence that stresses me out!!!  I've never been afraid of flying, even before becoming a F/A.  Actually, it's a good thing when you can hear the engine noise!!! It's when you can't hear it, that's when you panic!!! As for turbulence, it's all just another day at work.

  3. Well, since it's more likely to be struck by lightning than to be in a plane crash, the flight attendants aren't scared by any of this. They just serve the food/snacks/drinks as they please.

  4. Flight attendants don't get scared if there is nothing to be scared about. People who fear flying get scared even when there's nothing to be scared of, but obviously someone with a fear of flying isn't likely to become a flight attendant.

    In a truly scary situation, flight attendants get scared, too, although they can often put on a good front.  But truly scary situations are extremely rare in aviation, because it is a very safe form of transportation.  Taxi drivers see scarier things than flight attendants do.

  5. I'd say you're more on the extreme end of how nervous people get when flying.  Those things you mentioned are really nothing at all.  Engines make noise.  Rough air bumps a plane around (it won't fall apart).  Lastly, planes make noises... all of which are normal.  For flight attendants and pilots, those things are just part of the job.  No stress at all.  In fact, for some, the job gets quite boring after a while.

  6. they are trained for ther job and even if they get a lil scared they would get used to it from flying all the time

  7. I personally am not scared of flying, i love it and go off doing aerobatics with air cadets, but i know several people who are. Flight attendents are people like me who enjoy flight. They also are trained proffessionals and try to keep calm when things go wrong (on rare occasions). Also they know what every noise is. As you don't know "anything" on how an aircraft works and what the noises are, this adds to your fear of flying.

  8. Aviophage, mxsmanic, are correct

  9. b/c they trust the pilots

  10. They get bored after a few thousand flights.

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