
How come german women dont like Latin men?

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i never seen a german woman with a latin man

why is that




  1. You're overgeneralizing. There are German women who are with Latin man. However, you have to realize that Latin man are not nearly as common in Germany as they are in the US. So logically, there'd be fewer matches. But that's not due to a general prejudice or anything, simply fate.

  2. Have you ever been to San Antonio, Texas?   You see all kinds of Germans mixed with Latinos.  Lots of German towns right close to the border of Mexico, what more do you want?

  3. no one likes latin men

  4. Who did you tell that?

    Well, I'm German and I would not turn a Latin man away, just because he is a Latin man...

    But first: They can be as ugly or unfriendly as other men, too.

    And second: In Germany there aren't that many Latins...

  5. First I would like to know where you live, only to figure out, why in your area the German women don't like Latin men.

    In fact the opposite is true, since Germans travel to Italy, Spain and Portugal and vice versa the Latin Lover Type has his admirers in Germany as well.

    I know in my close friendship circle 3 woman who are married to Italian man, 1 who is married to a Portuguese man and one that will celebrate her 30 wedding anniversary with a Spanish man.

    So, I have no idea where you got your knowledge or your assumption that German woman don't like Latin men, it is simple not true.

  6. For the same reason most of the rest of us don't like them; they're dirty, stupid s*x maniacs.

  7. I think what you saw or knew is just the coincidence. Not every German women don't like Latin men, it's probably just because the fate is not ready, it's not the destiny.

  8. You really want to know?

  9. i'm part german and spanish and i like spanish guys

  10. that is simply NOT TRUE what you are german friend  is married to a peruvian man, another one is married to a spanish guy, etc..the list goes on....

  11. I'm an american citizen but I am a full blood german.. All 4 of my grandparents came from germany..  And I am married to a puerto rican for 7 years now..

  12. They have class.... Can't say that about many American women.

  13. You make broad false assumptions.  One of my best friends is Mexican and he is married to a German woman he met while she was teaching in Mexico City.  German women like Latins for sure.

  14. ok, so german, chinese, are you seeing any women?

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