
How come girls at 17 get pregnant and destroy their future?

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How come girls at 17 get pregnant and destroy their future?




  1. I was pregnant at age 16 and birth at 17 and my life is great. Its every ones own decision and becoming pregnant at a young age usually is not planned. All we hope for is that they will make the right decision.

    With myself, i never rushes into marriage. We waited 6 years before we finally tied the knot. During that time we raised our son together, finished and supported each other through school and found ourselves an amazing career. Now we are married with our second child, with a beautiful home, great job. I could never ask for a better life.

    They are a lot more parents whom neglect there children and believe that is worse.

  2. i'm 18 and im  pregnant with a lil boy!!! i have NOT destroyed my future!!!!!

  3. Because they can't think any further than how cute a baby is. They neglect to consider the long sleepless nights with a colic-y baby, the cost involved in raising a child (though lets be honest most of them are on government assistance, so gosh that's no concern), the sheer amount of work good parenting takes, or any other practical concerns.

    Because we live in a culture where most people believe "if I want it I should have it NOW, because I want it." Instant gratification they call it.

    And lastly because THEIR parents did a p**s poor job of raising them and teaching them to consider the consequences of their actions.

  4. Some people don't see themselves as being able to have an abortion performed.

    And some don't think adoption is right for them.

    I, personally would choose abortion out of the three choices presented to a teen once she discovers she's pregnant.

    However, these teen mom's deserve respect for what they do.

    Not to recieve dirty looks from others or be labeled a **** because having s*x resulted in a child.

    It's their lives, and their lives should not affect you.

    Unless you're the father.

  5. I hope you are referring to the Gloucester teens because that isn't true for all teen mothers. Some are victim to rape, brainwashed by a man, and some too naive to really think the father isn't going to be there like he claims.

  6. getting pregnant at 17 doesnt necessarily mean your throwing your life away.... ive been informed that there is no greater joy than to be a mother and if that 17 yr old thought of it before she went off and concieved it and knew what she was getting herself into and knew the huge responsibility she would have than im sure its no mistake. if i were to have a kid at 17 believe me id ready for the responsibility considering ive practically raised my little sister.  then again everyone has diff. points of views. and anyways there are ppl out there hat grew up too fast so they actually can handle it

  7. Having a baby at any age doesnt always neccesarily destroy anyone's future. Having a baby can make a person a lot more mature. Its not always a NEGATIVE thing.

  8. I believe you are referring to group of girls that made a pact to get pregnant. Stupidity? Ignorance? Wanting to trap a guy?  Who knows what was going on inside their heads. With most girls it is an accident. These girls most likely believed that taking care of a child is easy. Where do they think the money is going to come from? Their parents, tax payers. They need to all be denied benefits like welfare, food stamps, medical, etc and made to go out and get a job to support themselves and their babies. It is different if someone made a mistake like forgot to take a pill or something.

    Everyone: This person is not referring to ALL 17 year-olds. They are referring to the group of teen girls that made a pact to get pregnant on purpose. I know some teen moms that are better mothers than adults, and I know some teen moms that need to never get pregnant again. I have great respect for teens that are able to make the sacrifice and be a good mom. I know I would not have been able to handle it that young myself, even though I know my mom and dad would have helped me.

  9. ummm....the same reason people who are old enough to have kids have kids and become parents who aren't worth two cents maybe????  Yeah teen pregnancy might suck, but so do neglectful parents... Just a thought........

    And besides, yeah, getting pregnant at 17 might suck, but it doesn't neccesiarly destroy ne one's future......don't you think its a case by case occurance???

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