
How come girls don't sell drugs?

by Guest44911  |  earlier

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I know alot of guys that are drug dealers....but i never hear of girls doing it.... I know there are girls who do...but obviously not as many as come???




  1. Their just better at hideing it

  2. Believe me there are  females that do, but your right, not as many as guys. To be a female dealer and make a profit you need to be friends with anyone and everyone. Make sure you have a few trustworthy, got your back anytime male friends for your muscle support when need be. Don't owe more than you are willing and able to pay, financially or any other way. Stand behind your decisions and your word, don't be weak and back down or give in. Be smart and know a good deal when you see it. Be quick, no hesitation. Know who you are dealing with. Listen to your instincts they are usually always right. And know when to walk away. There's always another deal waiting around the corner.

  3. They do, you just haven't met any.

  4. You have to be kidding??!!  In my area 70% of the dealers I've arrested are female, they deal for their "men" who seem to be higher up on the totem pole. Most of the woman dealers I've had encounters with have been "working" girls, supplementing their incomes for their "men". Arresting a woman is terrible in this situation as they are ruder, tend to try to play the "s*x card", are more likely to have a conceled weapon.

  5. females do sell drugs and more

  6. There are girls, but like you said not as many.  The reason for less drug dealers being girls is because they are generally not as tough and that is a pretty tough industry and most girls are not tough enough to go into the industry.

  7. Because us women are smarter than men and don't get caught!  :)

  8. More  women are selling drugs than they use to and yes more are getting caught just as men are getting caught.  But there are still far less women selling drugs than there are men.  

    Also women are catching up to men up when it comes to committing crimes, as more and more are ending up going to prison for their crimes.  More are following men into a life, its the lure of making  a lot of money fast.  A lot of women who have children to provide for take up the life to be able to provide for their children if they feel that they don't have any other way to provide for them.

  9. There are a lot of female dealers. They just have an extra hiding place and they use it. Most do deal for their boyfriends or other male figure, though. I have arrested a lot of female dealers.

  10. You're wrong,

    females do sell drugs.

  11. Who says they don't sell drugs? I have a friend in a federal prison who is surrounded with women who have been caught selling drugs, using drugs, makeing drugs, they are getting just as bad if not worse then the men. My friend is in for mail fraud not drugs. She also said it is very overcrowded with women in for drug charges.

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