
How come god made the Dallas Cowboys so awsome? and the Packers so sucky?

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Ive always wondered that?




  1. Because the Packers like to work for their accomplishments rather then God (capitol G) just handing them every touchdown and win...

  2. packers are better than the cowboys, your just mad cause they got favre back

  3. The Question should be, "Why does God Hate the Cowboys so much that he only lets thugs and girls play for them?"

  4. Typical cowboy fan, a moron!

  5. Since when have the Cowboys been "awesome?"

    The Packers suck as well but at least they made it to the Super Bowl.  

  6. He loves the cowboys...isn't it obvious

  7. lol I really dont know i love my COWBOYS and what if T.O. cried it shows how much he loves the game and tony romo (not g*y way) it takes a real man to cry i cried too when they lost the playoffs because i wanted them to win so much! and i hate when people say it was tony romo's fault THEY WIN AS A TEAM THEY LOSE AS A TEAM! HOW 'BOUT DEM COWBOYS!

  8. cowboys- superbowls past 5 years?? 0!!!!!!

    they havent won since mid 90's

    they suck

  9. because you touch yourself at night

  10. Considering neither team has won the Super Bowl in the last 10 years, I say who cares.  

  11. Because the Giants beat the Cowboys and made T.O Cry. And yes the packers did lose to them also but in OT. So how come god made the Dallas Cowboys so sucky again?

    EDIT* No. Brett cried because he loves the game. T.O cired because hes a puss. But you know, keep ragging on Favre for crying. You forget T.O cried dont you?

    EDIT**Ausie Packer Fan- Because he is just a p***y cowboy fan who likes to start things. He has no idea why he hates the packers. h**l, i bet he has no idea why he likes the cowboys (besides hes probably from Texas). and that just proves that "The only thing in Texas, is steers and q****s".

  12. I'll say it again. The Dallas Cowboys are "God's Team".

    Because God, unlike fans of lesser teams, is not retarded.

  13. Now you are just trolling.

  14. You are awesome and make me laugh with your questions go ahead and give them dam haters a heart attack. He made them awesome because he wanted them to be America's team just like they are. And to hate someone is a sin so he wanted to make sure those people,  the haters felt miserable at the sound and sight of of anything about the Cowboys and look how well it works lol As far as Brett he is like the 3 faces of Eve so many lies and personalities. And the reason for this behavior is he is having a hard time excepting the fact that he is not God but just a temperamental DIVA that's gotten old and not wanted because of his many many flip flops. *************************************  

  15. Packers = 12 NFL Championships

    Cowboys = 5 NFL Championships

    Enough said you bone head.

  16. If God loves the Cowpies so much, how come they haven't won a playoff game since 1996?

  17. God didn't make the Packers suck....Farve did!

  18. Come on, everyone knows the Cowgirls just full on suck. Really, any QB would look good with the guys Homo has around him.

  19. How come you keep asking this stupid question and continue to not give any reason to why you hate the Packers?

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