
How come golf announcers......?

by  |  earlier

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....constantly refer to good shots as "good GOLF shots". What the heck other kinds of shots would they be hitting in a golf match ? Tennis shots ? Slapshots ? "Wow Bob, that was a heck of a place kick by Mickelson".

They must work for the Department of Redundancy Department...




  1. To veteran golfers, there is a difference between a good shot and a good golf shot. Generally, say if you hit your drive in the fairway about 275 yards  on a straight away par 4 or par 5, that is a good shot. On the other hand if you hit a slight fade on your drive around a bunker on a dogleg (a hole that turns suddenly right or left) into the fairway leaving you with a 100 yard approach shot into the green instead of a 160 yard shot; now that a good golf shot! Also, if you are on the fairway on a par 5, around 210-220 yards taking your second shot and hit the ball on the green with, say a 3 iron, with a chance for eagle from about 15-20 feet; thats a good shot. If you take that same shot and run it up onto the green between two bunkers and it stops about 4 feet from the pin with a chance for eagle; now that's  a good golf shot. It's just a matter of degrees; timing, difficulty and frankly an opinion of whoever is witnessing the shot. A good shot is to be expected among good players. A good golf shot is something special to most anyone. The more you play and watch golf; the better you will appreciate a good golf shot.

  2. i like when they ask the guy next to them to pull my finger.

  3. I love how they like to whisper, waaaay back from the crowd, much farther from the actual players.

    Why are they whispering? It's not brain surgery. Talking from 1,000 feet away isn't going to s***w them up.

  4. i wouldnt let it get to you... there are a lot of quacks on TV. just watch american idol.

  5. What can I say? And they get paid for it.

  6. i dont like golf and dont understand it

  7. Great question. They as all humans are a victims of habit. They probably don`t realize what a dumb comment it really is.

  8. It's entertainment. They say what the shows director tells them to say.

    A true golf fan doesn't even hear the commentating.

  9. Get over it dude.  It's quite difficult to announce any sporting event for hours on end and not state something blatently obvious. I could make the same argument for a thousand other things announcers say. A "good golf shot" is just something golfers say, especially when it is an exceptionally good shot.

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