
How come hair grows the fastest in the summertime?

by Guest64409  |  earlier

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How come hair grows the fastest in the summertime?




  1. It's debatable whether that's true or not - some theories are that because you sweat more it makes your hair wet so it can slide out of your head more easily, rather than being dry and brittle which it might be in winter. Another theory is that because we (perhaps) are more active in summer, there is greater circulation to all of our body (head included), which increases hair growth.

    But I wouldn't take that as proof... believe what you want. Even if there is a difference I think it's tiiiny and hair will still only grow at roughly half an inch a month

  2. My hair does. I believe its because of the humidity.

  3. ive never heard that...not sure that is true

  4. Maybe because it is more humid.    Like watering your hair.. lol

  5. I never knew it did...

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