
How come hebrews are just jews?

by Guest60868  |  earlier

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the hebrews excisted before judism right?

then moses came they converted to Judism,jesus most of them converted to christianity,Mohamed came most of both converted to i right?

so the hebrews should be the ancestors of the palestinians..right?

but jews who came to palestine from diffrent nations and just took that land because they are that fair?




  1. The Jews are a group within Israel which is a group within the Hebrews, the relatives of Abraham who migrated with him from Ur Kasdim which includes Lot. The descendants of Lot include Ammon (modern day Amman) and Moab who lived in JORDAN, and Edom (from which Herod came--in JORDAN) who is a descendant of Issac. Jacob, also called Israel, was the son of Issac and returned to Israel where he had 12 sons corresponding to the Twelve Tribes of Israel, Judah was one of those sons as were Benjamin and Levi which constitute The Jewish People. Ishmael was also a son of Abraham. When we refer to Israel we mean "The Land of Israel (Jacob and his sons)" which does NOT include JORDAN where the Hebrews who were NOT THE DESCENDANTS OF JACOB (ISRAEL) lived.

  2. Actually,the first time that the word Jew was mentioned in the bible was about Mordechai HAYEHUDI.[Mordechai the Jewish]

    After Jesus died,people decided to make a religion,that's what I know,and this is how Christianity was formed.

    Jewish people are the ancestors of all.Think about it-

    The Christians claim that our bible is old,so they created a new one,that they wrote.Now,ours was received a long time ago,by G-d,so ours has the most details,it's the most accurate,since we have it for longer.

    And no,it is not fair.

  3. ok, let's go through this one step at a time.

    the Hebrews were followers of Abraham who lived on the "other" side (eiver in hebrew) either of the river or of the religious chasm since he was a monotheist. God spoke to him and promised that his descendants through isaac would be a great nation.  These Ivrim (Hebrews) ended up in Egypt and things weren't so good there.

    Moses takes them (now known as the Children of israel, since that was Jacob's other name and the people were descendants of the sons of jacob/israel) out and introduces them to the divine mosaic law.

    they settle in canaan and establish a kingdom of the children of israel (the kingdom of israel) in the land of israel. eventually, solomon dies and the country is town by civil war -- 2 nations develop -- the continuation fo the kingdom of israel and the kingdom of judah -- named so because it was made of a couple of small tribes and the much larger tribe of judah.  when the kingdom of israel is exiled, the kingdom of judah remains and becomes the basis for the continuation of the faith and teachings. the people in it are "yehudim" or judeans (used, for example, in the story of esther). We desecnd from them. There was no distinct nation of Hebrews -- they were the people who left egypt under the name the children of israel.

    they, we, did not convert to anything, thus we are still judeans (now pronounced Jews).

  4. David Gruen ( "ben Gurion") did write a book in 1910 exploring the idea that contemporary Palestinians are descended from the ancient Hebrews; it was privately republished in Tel Aviv in the late 70's by the grandson of his co-author. It is only available   in Yiddish and Hebrew. The term "Jew" only emerged after John Hrycanus gathered the Hebrews into Judea in the 2nd century B.C. after which they were known as Judeans,abbreviated as Jews. By the time of the Romans,Jew met a resident of Judea,nothing more.  

  5. Not exactly, you seem to be confusing different ideas.

    The term 'Ivrim' (hebrews) literally means 'those who came from the other side' which could be a term for all mesopotamians who crossed the rivers to arrive in canaan or could be a term specifically for Abraham (who was a mesopotamian) who was distinct for his monotheistic beliefs. Either way, by the time the Jews (descendants of Abraham) left Egypt, the term Hebrews had become synonimous with Jews.

    The term Jew is a Roman invention originally meaning "Judean" which is one tribe of Abrahamic Hebrews (out of 12) as Judah was one of Jacob's sons. Jacob himself was Abraham's grandson through Isaac. All Jews are descendents of Jacob (or converts) who in turn was descended from Isaac and ultimately Abraham, thus Abraham is refered to as the father of the religion (and not Moses). Thus all Hebrews (in the conventional usage) have always been Jews, though not neccessarily by name. The more accurate terminology for Jews is B'nei Yisrael meaning the Children of Israel (Jacob).

    Contrary to what you believe, very few Jews/Hebrews converted to either Christianity or Islam as these religions held little appeal for already monotheistic Jews. Most of the converts to these religions (by choice or force) were polytheistic pagans. In fact, many more Jews were massacred by these religions for not converting than actually converted.

    Palestinians for the most part are not descendents of indiginous populations in the Judea/Palestine/Israel area, but rather are a product of the Arab expansion following the founding of Islam. Around 600 CE Mohammed's preaching found widespread support among the Arabians, and having united them under one leader he (and later his successors) burst forth from the desert and conquered. The new Muslims got as far as modern-day France before being stopped, as well as conquering southern Spain through Africa. This led to Arabs inhabbiting all of these areas, including Judea/Palestine/Israel as well as African countries like Egypt, Libya, Algeria, Morocco etc. While there was probably some population mixing, considering Palestinian language, culture and appearance, it is obvious that the dominant element is Arab, which is not Canaanite.

  6. Hebrew is a language, that Jews speak. so they were call the Hebrews.

  7. That's why that war that have been going on for so many decades is so intense and full of passion.

    These people do not realize that they are made of the same stuff.

    They laugh at the same joke, they cry at the same mishap in their lives and they even get angry at the very same reasons.

    That is a bad mixture of ingredients for a war.

    It has all the characteristics of a civil war, where no one makes a step back in order to make two sideways.

    Judging from polls and surveys all around the world, it's the Jews to blame on that since these are the one who claim they are better humans than their Arab brothers and sisters.

    If only this would be true, we would have peace in Middle East a long time ago.

    Until the Jews realize that, they must expect that the sympathy and support of all of us outsiders will always go to the suffering Palestinians.

    The only friends the Jews have are some crazed out tele-evangelists but you must study the reason behind that "friendship" to see the evil outcome of that friendship.


  8. Israel

    Illustration: Campsite Positions of Israelite Tribes Around Tabernacle

    The name conferred on Jacob after the great prayer-struggle at Peniel (Gen 32:28), because "as a prince he had power with God and prevailed." (See JACOB.) This is the common name given to Jacob's descendants. The whole people of the twelve tribes are called "Israelites," the "children of Israel" (Jos 3:17; Jos 7:25; Jdg 8:27; Jer 3:21), and the "house of Israel" (Ex 16:31; Ex 40:38).

    This name Israel is sometimes used emphatically for the true Israel (Ps 73:1; Isa 45:17; Isa 49:3; John 1:47; Rom 9:6; Rom 11:26).

    —Easton's Illustrated Dictionary

  9. Rabbinical Judaism did not exist until after Muslims conquered Jerusalem. By claiming lineage through Isaac, Jews got police protection from the Muslim empire yet did not have to get drafted like everyone else. So that is how Judaism was born.

    The ancient Judeans are the ancestors of many Palestinians. The Zionists came from Eastern Europe.

  10. The Arabs are descendants of Ishmael, Abraham's son.  The Jews (as we were known:  Hebrews) are descendants of Isaac, Abraham's younger son.

    This is how Jews and Arabs are related.  As you can see, we are cousins.

    Abraham and Sarah were the first Jews, then came Isaac and his son Jacob.  Jacob's sons formed the 12 tribes, and Moses was born to the Levite tribe, so he too was Jewish.

  11. Alright, firstly...Jesus was BORN Jewish, he did not convert. His deciples were the ones who created the beginnings of Christianity after he was killed by Pontius Pilate in i think 1bce. The hebrews have always been jewish, its just that over time the rituals ceremonies and traditions have changed or developed into what is Judaism today. Mohammed started islam, he didn't convert to islam.

    the Jews are the rightful owners of israel, but the dispute is that the muslims that lived in israel BEFORE 1948 were both kicked out or fled. I think the muslims who lived in Israel before 1948 should be brought back, but not after. The palestinians are in a horrible situation because no other arab country wants to deal with them or take them in so they are stuck with the israelis for the time being.  

  12. Actually Muslims came from Abraham and so did the Jews. That's where the big snaffu is.

    It was the british that came and established Isreal in the 40s.  

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