
How come hedge trimmers don't come with a warning about the dangers of wearing camouflage pants?

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How come hedge trimmers don't come with a warning about the dangers of wearing camouflage pants?




  1. They must like to think we're smarter than pants, but really, are we?

  2. Now that you've asked the question they will.

    Wait for it.

  3. Oh, dear. It never occurred to me. That certainly has created a vivid picture in my mind.

    I hope that you do not have an admonitory tale that accompanies this question.

  4. Just remember, EVERY stupid warning on ANY machine, is the result of some MORON doing that EXACT thing, getting hurt and winning the lawsuit.

    Sears had to put warnings on their push power lawnmowers that they are not to be used as hedge trimmers, BECAUSE, a couple of idiots started their mower up, picked it up by the housing to trim their hedges, fingers inside where the blades were spinning and promptly amputated their fingers. They sued and won. Two brothers, who unfortunately did not die and help clean up the gene pool.

    So, no matter how RIDICULOUS the warning is, it is there because of some moron.  

  5. I guess they figure you already know where your legs are.

  6. Natural selection.

  7. They do not expect people to be doing that.

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