
How come hispanics....?

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I work at a bait shop and I get a lot of hispanic costumers. Some of them are great and some aren't. What I don't get is why when they want something they speak spanish to me. and when I don't know what they're talking about...they look at me like i'm stupid and that I need to go learn spanish! Now i live in Connecticut and I dont NEED to know spanish as much compare to people living in Southern Cali or Texas. And majority of those hispanics are Mexicans and you do know we have problems with Mexican's population acrossing the border. My point, congrats on getting pass the border patrols. Now you get to work here AND don't have to pay tax but at least learn to speak English? Now, I have to learn English too. So does my mom and everyone in my family and all the people we know no matter where they are from. Please answer my question....

No offence to anyone. If I do offended you, I'm truly sorry but I couldn't hold back my curiosity.




  1. They shouldn't be here in the first place. They're illegal for a reason. If they tried to talk to me like that, I would say Sorry, no speak spanish and walk away.  

  2. listen, what you need to tell them is this is america where everyone speak english. if they want to function in the community, you'll have to learn english. i'm sorry but you have to be straight forward with them.  how dare them look at you like you're stupid. btw, i'm Mexican and i truly don't have anything against them but if they want to come here, they surely must adopt to american rules and cultures. if not, get out!!!

  3. wait your multicultural tourself. stop being so rough. i almost forgot you said you were multicultural by the way you think.

    i dint feel likeanswering this question. im typing with one hand cause my other hand gots bread crumbs


  4. I know exactly what your talkin about, except i do live in texas, and it pisses me off. If your coming to america, learn english, if your not goin to learn english, have a translator or something...if yoru atleast trying, then thats great! but for the ppl who dont even try, its just pathetic. and dont give me that, maybe they cant afford to learn english, cuz thats a bunch of bull, its not that hard.  

  5. Perhaps they think you're Spanish

  6. The official language of the US is English so unless you are in social services it should not be a requirement to know any other language than English. While I agreed with Barack Obama when he said that we should (not have to) learn another language I disagreed with him when he said that we don't need to worry because they'll learn English, because too many people with more influence and power than the rest of us make it easier for them to not know English and be just fine.

  7. It totally understand what your talking about. But it takes adults longer to learn english. Because after a certain period of time your brain stops developing.  

  8. Well, I'm from California and I go through the same thing A LOT. It gets pretty annoying when they automatically assume we should know Spanish, just for their convenience. I have no idea why they don't try to learn English, but maybe because everything we have written is in English/Spanish, and there are Spanish speakers at hand to help these people. Blah. What a joke. The next time they come up to you and speak Spanish, just say "What? Speak English!" and give them that look (the one they give you) to go learn some!  

  9. You did offend me because they can't learn Spanish and you know why?

    Because they are stuck all day working at the fields that feed your parents and the rest of the nation, getting yelled at by the boss and owner of the plants. If you know you live by a lot of Hispanics expect to be asked questions in Spanish. It is really annoying when your in a country where you don't even know what the rest of the people are saying and hard enough to find help when you don't know what to say in English. Stop hating on the people that make the nation run.And if you want a job where you don't need to learn Spanish go to the fields and get yelled at all day for not picking the right fruit.

  10. When someone looks at you like you are stupid, please remember Eleanor Roosevelt who said that no one can make you feel inferior.  They will look at you however they look at you.  It is not your problem.   You decide if you want to be bothered by it.

    What they think is inside their heads.  Unless you read minds, you don't know for sure what they think.  Let them think their thoughts without your being bothered by it.  Ditto for their not being bothered by your looks or your thoughts.   Who knows?  Maybe they are focusing on their being embarrassed and inconvenienced by not knowing English.

    They or may not be undocumented. They almost certainly pay taxes.   In Connecticut, is there a sales tax on food?  If there is, they pay it.  A fee for a driver's license?  They pay it.  Is there a property tax?  Even if they rent rather than own, they pay it.  They may even pay social security which, if undocumented, they will never get benefits for.  

    You apparently look educated and intelligent, so they hope that you are bilingual - even while they are not.

  11. Well first off, I have to say that I can sympathize because its really awkward when someone expects you to understand them when they are speaking a language you don't speak but you are sort of stereotyping because many of them DO learn English but you cant expect them to cross the border and just start speaking English it takes time. Their kids do learn English because they are younger and learn faster or they were born here so they learn it at school. My point is, just because some hispanics haven't learned English doesn't mean that NONE of them are trying to learn and I'm sure many HAVE learned English already. As long as there are people immigrating (from any country) this will always happen whether they speak only Russian, Chinese, or Spanish people are always going to be at a different stage of learning since they aren't all getting here at the same time.

    Where I live (I'm mexican american) there are many arabs who come here who either speak english with a really strong accent or don't speak English at all and I still have to communicate with them so I learned a little bit of arabic, just some basic stuff so I if I might need to tell them or ask them something. Its wasn't that hard and I didn't complain about it. I actually enjoy it because sometimes they try to help me out and teach me some more arabic words and I'm ok with that.

  12. Perhaps they think you're one of them. Be frank & tell them that you don't understand Spanish, PERIOD!!!

    Same thing also goes in our case here with the Chinese people. There is one particular place within our city w/c they call "China Town" coz of the many Chinese residents there. If you see job advertisement located on that place, one requirement there is fluency in Mandarin & Hokkien w/c are very funny coz this isn't China nor a Chinese country so you can't expect people here to know Chinese.

    Why I don't see the same complaints about the Chinese people here? Why only Hispanics?

  13. How did you know they were Mexicans? There are a lot of other Hispanic nationalist like Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and others besides Mexican. That's the problem with this nation, there was a time when the people would want to learn another culture, language, tradition to communicate. Now you complain about borders. Didn't hear much about that before 9-11, did you? But to be fair, can you talk Thai or Russian? No culture, huh? I rest my case.

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