
How come ;historically,are Jews seen as being a peoples seperate from other Europeon/White people?

by Guest62805  |  earlier

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I don't condone racialy motivated violence etc..However,as a realist,I can see how it may occur between a Whiteman & a Blackman,or Chineseman etc..Its always been something of a mystery to me why Jews seem to be on a different plane then the rest of whitemen(historically speaking).When it comes down to the nitty gritty,are not Jews of Caucosoid genepool?And if so,did hitler/n**i just not realize this?




  1. I think it has something to do with the fact that jews were in the minority when it came to faith (aka religion).  The majority of our world at least has been christianity, catholics, etc....Jews were seen as different and opposing that belief and thus were persecuted for that...I don't think it had anything to do with their skin color specifically.

  2. It was "racial" (cultural) AND religious. Yes, Jews would be considered part of the "Caucasoid" race (though this kind of division of the human race is an outdated concept), but the n***s had a VERY limited view of what was "Caucasoid." The Jews, of middle eastern descent, moved into Europe during the early middle ages, and were ostracized because they often isolated themselves into separate groups. This was a time when non-Christians were seen as "evil" and a threat to society. In Medieval times, Jewish people were blamed for everything from the Bubonic Plague, to crop failures. During the Inquisition in Spain (where a large number of Jews lived) they were rounded up, tortured, and executed jut for being Jewish. So, it was not just the n***s that persecuted Jews, but they sought to completely eliminate them.

  3. The issue with the hatred of the Jews is actually not racially motivated and more religiously motivated. For centuries that have been persecuted because of their religious beliefs. As far as Hitler is concerned they did know this but proclaimed they (the Germans) were superior.

  4. my theory is about the money they have...

    back in feudal ages...

    no one accepted them because of their religion...

    they needed to survive so the started to sell e buy stuff...

    they got rich and hated...

    because they were making fortune in a foreign land...

    in the beginning it was for religion...

    in the Hitler time...

    it was all about money...

    nowadays its stupidity

  5. They bring this on themselves as they consider themselves the "chosen" people. They are so arrogant that they killed God's son.

  6. To really answer this, you'd have to know what a "Jew" comes from.

    The true "bloodline" Jew is an Arab, or "Semite."  The word "Semite" comes from the tribe of Shem (one of Noah's sons), in Genesis chapter 10.

    Abraham - who was if I'm not mistaken the father of the Jews - was descended from Shem.

      The words "Jew" and "Semite" have been interchangeable over the past 60 or so years, either out of laziness on the part of observers or a spirit of expediency in reference ... like people in the US end up with when they refer to the USA as "America."

    An European Jew on the other hand is referred to as an Ashkenazi Jew - from Ashkenaz, grandson of Japheth.  Another of Noah's sons and most likely part of the White gene pool.

    Personally I wouldn't call the Semites (again, Middle Eastern Jews) Caucasoid anything.

    The question of Hitler, though, is slightly more confusing which one can only expect since he was a mad man.  I personally believe that Hitler saw shadows around every corner, and to him if Jews were both a religion and a race, there must have been some kind of evil purpose to it (ie: deception or cult status.)

    If that didn't explain it for you I'm sorry, I'm sure there are a lot of people still scratching their heads over this same question.

    The link I included at the bottom might help, but take it with a grain of salt since its a wiki:

    Good day.

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