
How come hurricanes have sexualities?

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Like Hurricane Wilma, or Hurricane Gustav, or Hurricane Katrina... I mean, they're pretty strong right? Yet some has feminine names while others have masculine names...




  1. What's wrong with a tough chick?

    Better cat fights.

  2. They do not really have gender. Hurricanes are named to help in identifying which one a person is referring to. With all the hurricanes happening each year, imagine having to remember 'Hurricane 123456 that broke the dam...'  

  3. It used to be that all hurricanes had feminine names.  Then the feminists and politically correct crowd objected.  So now hurricanes have lists of names that alternate between masculine and feminine names.

    The following link is the official list of names for hurricanes in the Atlantic for 2008.

  4. They have little genitals formed by air currents closer to their bottom.

  5. if you look at the lists of names they alternate (male/ female), i believe this is to be "politically correct, by not just doing male, or just doing female names

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