
How come i'm a taurus and a gemini?

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I was born on the 21st of may and had believed I was a taurus, however in many different magazines, websites etc I am a taurus or a gemini depending. How do I know which one is actually correct? Thanks :)




  1. The Sun is different every year -- that is, what day it goes into Gemini (or any sign for that matter).  That's why, in close cases like yours, you NEED THE BIRTH TIME, big time. :-)

    On the day you were born, the Sun was in Taurus until about 10 in the morning (using Eastern time, USA, that is)...after that, it goes into Gemini for the rest of the day.  

    So you need to find out what time you were born.  Pretty close, mama! :-)

  2. Tell me what year you were born and i will tell you your sign. You only have ONE.

    Edit: Your sun sign is TAURUS.

  3. your definately a taurus,usually the start date for a month is 21st

    here is list of dates for which signs you are

    Aries - March 21 - April 20

    Taurus - April 21 - May 21

    Gemini - May 22 - June 21

    Cancer - June 22 - July 22

    Leo - July 23 -August 23

    Virgo - August 22 - September 22

    Libra - September 24 - October 23

    Scorpio - October 24 - November 22

    Sagittarius - November 23 - December 21

    Capricorn - December 22 - January 20

    Aquarius - January 21 - February 19

    Pisces - February 20- March 20

  4. Go to and put Your personal data and will get very great explanations!!

  5. It really depends on what source you use.  My birthday is May 22, and usually I'm on the border or Gemini, but once in a while I'm a Taurus.  I'm sorry I couldn't help!  (But I do think that you are probably a Taurus, because that's what you are a majority of the time).

  6. that's not possible. you are a gemini. Taurus is April 2oth to May 20th. Gemini is May 21st to June 21st. No need to thank me.

    p.s. i'm a capricorn.

  7. im an aries

    i think that if you were born on may 21s you would be a taurus!

  8. Your on a cusp like me (born May 20) it means ur sun sign was transitioning and you have some bits of characteristics of the neighboring sign but not enough...Your a Gemini...Im a Taurus (April 20-May 20)...

  9. it isn't even like months. one year it may be 19 April-19 May, next might be 21 April - 21 May. That doesnt' mean you'll change your starsign. You starsigns are how the sky was when you were born. They don't change. you can find your free birthchart at and it will tell you what you are. even when you're born on the "cusp", you are still one or the other, you'll just have more influences of the starsign you're next to. Confusing? Read and re-read, this is right, the other answerers are blindly guessing.

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